This important webinar on active shooters in the workplace will offer attendees the opportunity to hear valuable insights and active shooter best practices from a leading emergency preparedness expert. ![]() Online PR News � 10-March-2014 � Regroup, the leading Emergency and Mass Notification System, and emergency preparedness expert Bo Mitchell from 911 Consulting are presenting a must-attend webinar, Active Shooter in Your Workplace: Lessons Learned & Best Practices. The webinar will take place on March 26, 2014 at 10AM PST/1PM EST, to register visit: With active shooter events occurring with alarming frequency in workplaces across the nation, no longer can people cling to the mentality of this will never happen here. In this important webinar, Mr. Mitchell will share expert insights and the lessons that can be learned from past events, as well as active shooter best practices and potential bad practices that should be avoided in the workplace. Additional highlights from the webinar will include: 1) An introduction to active shooters, ugly truths behind the killers 2) A discussion on the three pillars of emergency response: Command, Control & Communications 3) The necessity for coordinated planning and communications with emergency services in advance. 4) The importance of training and exercises for employees. 5) A Q & A Session where attendees will be able to ask Mr. Mitchell pressing questions surrounding active shooter preparation and response 6) A brief introduction on how an Emergency Notification System can be utilized to communicate throughout an Active Shooter event Those interested in learning how to prepare for and respond to active shooter events are advised to sign up today as space is limited for this exclusive webinar. About Bo Mitchell: Bo Mitchell was Police Commissioner of Wilton, CT for 16 years. He retired in February 2001 to found 911 Consulting which creates emergency plans, training and exercises for organizations like GE Headquarters, Hyatt HQ, MasterCard HQ, four colleges/universities and 26 PK-12 schools. He serves clients headquartered from Boston to LA working in their facilities from London to San Francisco. Bo has earned 16 certifications in homeland security, organizational safety and security. He also serves as an expert in landmark court cases nationally. About Regroup: Regroup, the leading provider of Emergency Notification and Mass Communication solutions, was founded at Stanford University in 2006 to solve the need the campus had for effective messaging across multiple communication channels such as mobile devices (text/voice), landlines, email, social media, websites, forums and more. Regroup stands apart from other messaging platforms with its user friendly one-click messaging, integration with social media and client databases, unparalleled reliability and unlimited text/voice/email messaging. Regroup offers 24/7/365 day a year support and saves clients money - on average 50%. Currently serving government clients like the City & County of San Francisco, universities, non-profits and businesses throughout North America, Regroup is actively expanding in global markets. To learn more about how Regroups Mass Communication and Emergency Notification System and can enable your organization to communicate faster and more effectively during a workplace shooting, as well as streamline day-to-day communications, please call 917-746-6776 or email for a complimentary online demonstration, customized for the specific needs of your organization. |
�this will never happen here.�
Joe DiPasquale | |
917-746-6776 |