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Valbiotis Consolidates Its Development of Innovative Natural Health Solutions by Integrating the Exploration of Microalgae Produced in New Caledonia, Through an Exclusive Agreement With ADECAL-Technopole and IFREMER

  • This tripartite agreement comes more than 8 years after the start of bioprospecting operations in New Caledonian coastal waters and the selection of species with high growth potential by ADECAL-Technopole and IFREMER in the framework of the AMICAL project.
  • A bank of microalgae strains has already been selected and will be scaled up and produced industrially in New Caledonia in raceways.
  • Exclusive and worldwide exploitation rights for Valbiotis, in the health field1.
  • A launch of in vitro and in vivo explorations from autumn 2021 at the Valbiotis R&D platform in Riom (63) with the objective of developing new health solutions in a global microalgae market estimated at 3.8 billion dollars2.
  • A co-development financed in equal parts, with strong potential and consistent with Valbiotis' plant-based expertise, in compliance with the Nagoya protocol.
  • No impact on Valbiotis' cash flow horizon (H1 2024).

LA ROCHELLE, France--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Regulatory News:

Valbiotis (FR0013254851 � ALVAL, PEA/SME eligible), a French research and development company committed to scientific innovation for preventing and combating of metabolic diseases, announces the consolidation of its development of innovative natural health solutions, by integrating the exploration of microalgae produced in New Caledonia, through an exclusive agreement with ADECAL-Technopole and IFREMER. This program should allow to develop a bank of high-potential strains selected by ADECAL-Technopole and IFREMER since 2013 in New Caledonia as part of the "AMICAL" joint research project.

Valbiotis will carry out the work necessary to demonstrate the health benefits of these microalgae strains at its preclinical platform in Riom, with a view to filing new patents. Once this scientific validation has been achieved, production will be ensured in New Caledonia for the industrial scale-up, thanks to existing and operational pilot infrastructure for which the technology and know-how will be transferred to private operators. For their marketing, these new health solutions will need to obtain "GRAS" regulatory status in the United States and "Novel Food" status in Europe. They may be incorporated into foodstuffs, presented in the form of food supplements or formulated as medical nutrition.

The tripartite agreement with ADECAL-Technopole and IFREMER provides for exclusive commercial exploitation rights of these microalgae for Valbiotis1. The microalgae market will grow at an annual rate of 3.5% to reach $3.8 billion by 20242.

S�bastien PELTIER, CEO, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Valbiotis, comments: "This is a Research & Development program that has been close to my heart for many years and that I am delighted to be able to implement today with ADECAL-Technopole and IFREMER. The use of plant resources, both terrestrial and marine, can provide a solution to tomorrow's health needs. This growing market benefits from the strong worldwide demand for innovative, natural and effective molecules for health. Since the identification and combination of active plant substances is central to our expertise, it makes perfect sense to extend our know-how to marine biotechnologies and microalgae, the beneficial properties of which should lead to the filing of new patents. In addition, contributing to the development of an innovative microalgae production sector in New Caledonia, participating in local economic growth and enhancing the biodiversity of the lagoon in the long term are important sustainable development objectives for Valbiotis."

Adrien RIVATON, Managing Director of ADECAL-Technopole, explains: "We have developed a marine cluster in order to contribute to the development of the blue economy and more specifically to promote the development of the aquaculture and marine biotechnology sectors, based on the richness of local marine ecosystems, whose potential for valorization is still largely under-exploited. The research collaboration with Valbiotis opens up new opportunities for experimentation on microalgae and promising prospects for our territory."

Romain CHARRAUDEAU, Director of Partnership and Innovation Transfer at IFREMER adds: "IFREMER is a place where knowledge and skills in research, technology and innovation concerning the marine environment are brought together. It plays an inspiring and galvanizing role, ensuring the engagement of scientific communities through partnership approaches that involve public & private actors in the development and implementation of research programs. The research collaboration with Valbiotis has been concluded within the framework of this strategy."

Valbiotis, ADECAL-Technopole and IFREMER are committed to respecting the three pillars of the Nagoya Protocol which came into force on October 12, 2014 and stems from the Convention on Biological Diversity. As such, they are committed to carrying out their research and development activities in accordance with the applicable ABS3 regulations and to ensuring traceability with the competent authorities before the implementation of any research program requiring the use of biological material.

Microalgae: a resource of the future for human food and health

These marine plant organisms, more commonly known as "phytoplankton", are about a micrometer in size and constitute a remarkable source of biodiversity, still largely unexplored, and an abundant resource that can be exploited by marine biotechnologies.

These fast-growing microorganisms use light to generate a biomass rich in proteins, lipids and sugars, bioactive compounds (polyphenols, tocopherols, ascorbic acid) and pigments (chlorophyll, carotenoids, phycobilins)4,5. The diversity of these molecules of interest and their ease of production offer tremendous potential for innovation in the nutrition and health sectors, but also in energy, chemistry and cosmetics, with industrial applications already available4,5. In the health field, microalgae have, for example, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-free radical, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties5.

The microalgae market will grow at an annual rate of 3.5% to reach $3.8 billion by 20242.

AMICAL: a microalgae development program, launched in 2013 by Adecal-Technopole and IFREMER in New Caledonia

Resulting from a collaboration and co-ownership agreement between the LEAD unit of IFREMER (Lagoons, Ecosystems and Sustainable Aquaculture in New Caledonia) and ADECAL-Technopole, the joint research program "AMICAL" aims to develop an innovative microalgae production chain in New Caledonia and to valorize the results of research in this field. It has received funding from New Caledonia, the three Provinces and the French State.

Since 2013, the Laboratoire d'�tude des Micro-Algues (LEMA) and the Laboratoire Technologique des Micro-Algues (LTMA) have conducted their bioprospecting operations in New Caledonian coastal waters to select species with high growth potential and build a strain library of New Caledonian microalgae of interest.

The research has mainly focused on the biochemical characterization of the selected microalgae: energy content, proteins and amino acids, lipids and fatty acids, sugars and natural bioactive substances with high added value for applications in nutrition and health. This strain selection work paves the way for preclinical experiments which Valbiotis will be responsible for under the tripartite agreement.


IFREMER is a public body of an industrial and commercial nature. It contributes to the French research and innovation system, as well as to the European research area, through the production of fundamental knowledge via a systemic approach enabling a better understanding of the processes that govern ecosystems and the changes that affect them. IFREMER is also involved in economic development through numerous partnerships with industry and the economy, and the promotion of the Institute's innovations.


ADECAL Technopole is an association under the French law of 1901, mainly financed by the French State, New Caledonia and its three provinces. It works to promote the competitiveness and attractiveness of New Caledonia through experimentation, transfer and innovation, and comprises four clusters (marine, land, agri-food and innovation) as well as technology centers. ADECAL Technopole contributes to the development of natural marine and terrestrial resources as well as to the emergence of innovative projects and sectors, in favor of sustainable development in order to diversify the New Caledonian economy.

About Valbiotis

Valbiotis is a Research & Development company committed to scientific innovation for preventing and combating metabolic diseases in response to unmet medical needs.

Valbiotis has adopted an innovative approach, aiming to revolutionize healthcare by developing a new class of health nutrition products designed to reduce the risk of major metabolic diseases, based on a multi-target approach enabled by the use of plant-based terrestrial and marine resources.

Its products are intended to be licensed to players in the health sector.

Created at the beginning of 2014 in La Rochelle, the Company has forged numerous partnerships with leading academic centers. The Company has established three sites in France - P�rigny, La Rochelle (17) and Riom (63) � and a subsidiary in Quebec City (Canada) .

Valbiotis is a member of the "BPI Excellence" network and has been recognized as an "Innovative Company" by the BPI label. Valbiotis has also been awarded "Young Innovative Company" status and has received major financial support from the European Union for its research programs via the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Valbiotis is a PEA-SME eligible company.

For more information about Valbiotis, please visit: www.valbiotis.com

Name: Valbiotis

ISIN code: FR0013254851

Ticker symbol: ALVAL

EnterNext� PEA-PME 150

This press release contains forward-looking statements about Valbiotis� objectives. Valbiotis considers that these projections are based on rational hypotheses and the information available to Valbiotis at the present time. However, in no way does this constitute a guarantee of future performance, and these projections may be affected by changes in economic conditions and financial markets, as well as certain risks and uncertainties, including those described in the Valbiotis Universal Registration Document approved by the French Financial Markets Regulator (AMF) on July 27, 2021 (application number R 21-039). This document is available on the Company�s website (www.valbiotis.com).

This press release and the information it contains do not constitute an offer to sell or subscribe, or a solicitation to purchase or subscribe to Valbiotis� shares or financial securities in any country.

1The field of operation is defined as follows: "Nutraceuticals, drugs and medical devices in human and animal health in the strict context of the prevention and treatment of the following metabolic diseases: diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, overweight, obesity, NAFLD (Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease)."

2Global Microalgae Market Growth 2019-2024, Fior Markets, 2019; https://www.fiormarkets.com/report/global-microalgae-market-growth-2019-2024-372987.html
3The regulation of access and benefit sharing from the use of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge (ABS).

4Microalgae: behind the scenes of a revolution, Le Journal du CNRS, April 2019; https://lejournal.cnrs.fr/diaporamas/microalgues-les-coulisses-dune-revolution
5Microalgae Aquaculture in New Caledonia (AMICAL), IFREMER, June 2016; https://nouvelle-caledonie.ifremer.fr/Biodiversite-et-ressources/Aquaculture-de-micro-algues


Corporate communication / Valbiotis


+33 5 46 28 62 58


Financial communication / Actifin

St�phane RUIZ

+33 1 56 88 11 14


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