
US Army Confirmed to Purchase Two Iron Dome Systems Ahead of SMi�s Air Missile Defence Technology 2019 Conference

SMi reports: US Army and Israel Air Force to present at Air Missile Defence Technology 2019 ahead of news that the US Army have confirmed to purchase two Iron Dome Systems.

Prague, Czech Republic, September 07, 2019 --( The contract to purchase two Iron Dome systems for the U.S. Army�s interim cruise missile defense capability has been finalised, in accordance to the service�s air and missile defense modernisation efforts. The Army was shifting around its pots of funding within its Indirect Fires Protection Capability (IFPC) program � under development to defend against rockets, artillery and mortars as well as unmanned aircraft and cruise missiles � to fill its urgent capability gap for cruise missile defense on an interim basis. Congress mandated the Army deploy two batteries by fiscal 2020 in the service�s fiscal 2019 budget. Iron Dome could feed into an enduring capability, depending on how it performs in the interim.

With this in mind SMi�s Air Missile Defence Technology conference, taking place in Prague, Czech Republic on the 22nd and 23rd October 2019 where you can hear from top US Army experts on the latest Air Missile Defence updates.

At the two-day conference, delegates can expect to hear from leading figures such as:

Dr Juanita M. Christensen, Director, CCDC Aviation and Missile Center, US Army. She will present Protecting Soldiers During Manoeuvre from Multi-Dimensional Aerial Threats. She will discuss Ensuring deployed and manoeuvring troops are protected from a range of threats with the Multi-Mission Launcher; Optimising and scaling systems with MAFIA C2; Automating multi-domain capabilities to reduce operational workload; Adapting to modern threats with advanced CUAS technology.

Mr Thomas N Doss, Assistant Program Executive Officer, International, PEO Missiles and Space. He will present Driving the Evolution of Missile Defence within the United States Army. He will discuss Advancing the capabilities of the PATRIOT missile system;

Protecting key infrastructure from cruise missile threats with enhanced radar systems;
Defending soldiers from RAM threats through the adoption of lightweight and field deployable systems; Providing acquisition support for Upper Tier Missile Defense and Space Systems.

Mr Max Hanessian, Chief, Integrated Air and Missile Defense, US Air Force in Europe. He will present Examining USAFE�s Strategy for Enhanced IAMD. He will discuss Enhancing warning radar systems for rear area threats; Discussing the integration and standardisation of existing systems; Procuring systems for increased adaptability to modern threats; Leveraging industry for enhanced capabilities.

Plus, attendees will also hear Israeli perspectives on the Iron Dome when the Israeli Air Force present: Examining the Israeli Layered Approach to Missile Defence Systems. They will discuss:
� Iron Dome interceptor system capabilities and deployment
� Working with the United States to supply Iron Dome defence systems
� ICBM threats and the role of the Arrow 3 system in protecting Israeli citizens
� David�s Sling protecting against medium range threats

For those who would like the attend the conference, secure your place at

Proudly sponsored by Elta Systems Ltd., Lockheed Martin and Weibel Scientific.

Air Missile Defence Technology
22nd � 23rd October 2019
Prague, Czech Republic

For sponsorship bookings, please contact Justin Predescu on +44 (0) 207 827 6130 or

For media queries, please contact Natasha Boumediene at

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