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Urethral Stricture: BEES-HAUS Cell Therapy Approach Proven With Cell Engraftment by Urologists of Edogawa Hospital, Japan, Holds Potential to Prevent Recurrence.

Edogawa Hospital plans urethral reconstruction center, setting up Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) for Cancer treatment.

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Urethral stricture, blocking the passage of urine from the bladder in men, could be solved by BEES-HAUS cell therapy, a novel autologous buccal mucosal cell-based approach as reported by Dr. Akio Horiguchi an eminent urologist. He has confirmed it for easy reproducibility in Japan, and cell engraftment at the site of urethral damage and scarring, the vital step to prevent stricture recurrence. Dr. Dmitriy Nikolavsky (Upstate University Hospital, New York), researching on urethral stricture lauded this feat. Dr. Suryaprakash Vaddi, who reported successful clinical outcome of BEES-HAUS in six patients, moderated their presentation in the XVII NCRM NICHE 2022, international regenerative medicine meet, co-sponsored by Edogawa Hospital.

Incidence of male urethral stricture that increases after 55, despite various treatment approaches such as minimally invasive endoscopic urethrotomy or dilatation and invasive surgical urethroplasty with buccal mucosal patch, is reported with recurrences. A novel polymer scaffold developed by Japanese scientists helped successful relief of urethral stricture through cell engraftment by BEES-HAUS cell therapy. With reconfirmation of cell engraftment both morphologically and immunohistochemically, Edogawa hospital is preparing for a larger study and their data presented in AUA 2022 has now been accepted for publication in Stem Cell Reviews and Reports. JBM Inc., the collaborators who were granted a patent in Japan for BEES-HAUS, have developed an efficient buccal tissue preservation solution, (OPTRACT Method), for transporting cells between the lab and hospital, to support the cell therapy procedure.

The Fujio Cup Quiz of NCRM NICHE 2022 was won by Hasna Firdaus Aryantha & Natasya Emmanuela, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia; Vijaya Harini and Yoghalakshmi Nagarajan of Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, India emerged runners.

Edogawa Hospital, medical tourism & knowledge propagation hub: Congratulating Dr Horiguchi for the accomplishment, Dr Shojiro Katoh, President, Edogawa Hospital, said that their institute will continue inter-disciplinary translational research in addressing such unmet needs. They are establishing Boron Neuron Capture Therapy (BNCT) system, the latest and advanced, targeted cancer treatment and researching on efficient drug delivery systems for better uptake of boron, enabling an effective destruction of cancer cells. BNCT centre will be open for cancer patients from abroad after approvals, he added.


Samuel JK Abraham


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