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TNS Adds Real Time HKEX Market Data to Its Global Offering

TNS customers now have access to more than 60 global exchanges in the most important markets, including Hong Kong

RESTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#HongKong--Transaction Network Services (TNS) can now provide real time market data from the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX). This move allows TNS customers to access the market data systems of the ninth largest stock exchange, and the 14th largest derivatives exchange, in the world.

Providing HKEX data means that TNSXpress market data now covers the majority of the world’s most important markets and exchanges.

“Hong Kong is one of the world’s foremost financial centers, and HKEX is a major global gateway to trading and market data in Asia,” said Jeff Mezger, Director of Product Management for TNS’ Financial Services business. “HKEX is the listing exchange for some of the world’s largest companies, offers deeply liquid derivatives markets, and is a throughway to the mainland Chinese exchanges. With HKEX now in the TNS network, customers from all over the world can collocate their trading infrastructure with the exchange, leverage richer, real-time market data, and access an important financial market using a single, secure vendor with local onsite support.”

HKEX access is part of TNS’ 60 exchanges in the world’s most important financial markets, giving TNS customers coverage of HKEX equities, commodities, fixed income and currency markets.

TNS can provide customers approved by the exchange with access to HKEX derivatives and securities market data through a shared hosting network service. This is in addition to full coverage for away market data from major North American and European equities and derivatives exchanges.

“TNS’ expansion into Hong Kong represents another proof point in how customers can access the major world financial centers and exchanges simply, quickly and with a lower total cost of ownership,” said Mezger. “For firms that need access to Hong Kong and mainland China, TNS provides a comprehensive managed hosting solution and while this is our first outpost in Asia, we’re anticipating future expansions into other Asian markets.”

In addition to its agreements with HKEX, TNS has made a number of other strategic investments in the past year, including the addition of dark fiber infrastructure in the United States. TNS is also committed to continuing to expand its network globally and deploy innovative new services, such as ultra-low latency connectivity, which uses a simple, single-hop architecture (Layer 1) to deliver connectivity in as little as 5 to 85 nanoseconds.

TNS currently connects more than 2,800 financial community endpoints globally. TNS offers a range of connectivity, hosting, cloud, hub, VPN and other solutions, specifically designed and engineered to address the needs of financial market participants worldwide. In 2020, TNS celebrates 30 years of being a worldwide provider to global companies in the most mission critical industries.

To learn more about TNS’ financial services solutions, visit https://tnsi.com/products/financial/.


About Transaction Network Services:

Transaction Network Services (TNS) is a leading global provider of data communications and interoperability solutions. TNS offers a broad range of networks and innovative value-added services and is committed to delivering superior service and world-leading payments, financial services and telecommunications solutions to the world’s most prestigious companies.

Founded in 1990 in the US and headquartered in Reston, Virginia, TNS provides an extensive portfolio of services to customers in more than 60 countries spanning the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific region with its reach extending to many more. For more information about TNS Financial Services offerings visit www.tnsxpress.com or go to our media center for our latest news www.tnsi.com/media-center/


Clare Cockroft/Rachel Watson


T: +44 (0)114 292 0163 / +1 703 814 8065

E: pr@tnsi.com

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