Each member of the team brings their own unique expertise and has been instrumental to the animation series' success. Twisting the stories of well-known fairy tale princesses, the series inserts elements of Tia's personal life, the hurdles she has faced, and showcase metamorphosis.
Director and Project Consultant: Sunny Tang
Sunny is a world famous animator and director with over 20 years of experience. He has won numerous awards, including the Best Animation Award and Best Editing Award at the Hong Kong Mobile Film Festival, and Best Digital Entertainment Award Gold Award at the Hong Kong ICT Awards. He has worked on notable movies, such as The Great Detective Sherlock Holmes - The Greatest Jail-Breaker, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Kung Fu Hustle, The Promise, Gatchaman and Astro Boy.
Scriptwriter: Alex Lee
Alex wrote the script for the movie In Broad Daylight and In Geek We Trust - a ViuTV television series that was a major success.
Illustrator: Mandy Mackenzie Ng
An up-and-coming star in Hong Kong's digital painting scene, she rose to fame for her work on the music video of Moment by Terence Lam.
Arranged by: Wan Pin Chu
A master in the art of film scores, he scored the music for Nezha: Birth of the Demon Child, the highest-grossing animated movie in China. His other works include Overheard 3, Wu Kong, Godzilla II: King of the Monsters and In Geek We Trust.
With a star-studded team behind her, Tia Lee aims to showcase her life, struggles and transformation through her record breaking "GOODBYE PRINCESS" animation series. Each episode has builds up the global excitement for the launch of her eagerly-anticipated new single Goodbye Princess.
Tia Lee Yu Fen Official Channels:
Instagram @leeyufen: https://www.instagram.com/leeyufen/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@tialeeofficial/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leeyufentialee/
Weibo: https://weibo.com/u/1396928042/
Hashtag: #TiaLee
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