Wire Stories

Tallinna Sadam Investor Day �In the winds of the future� 14.09.2022

Tallinna Sadam invites its current and future shareholders and other interested parties to the Investor Day �In the winds of the future�, which will take place on September 14 at 16.00 Estonian time in the cruise terminal at the Tallinn Old City Harbour. This time we will focus primarily on growth opportunities related to energy and offshore wind farms.

Valdo Kalm and Andrus Ait, members of the management board of Tallinna Sadam, will introduce the company, give an overview of the financial results and future plans. Chief commercial officer Margus Vihman talks in more detail about new business projects and growth opportunities of Tallinna Sadam in the field of energy, and �lo Eero, manager of the subsidiary TS Shipping, introduces the business opportunities of construction and maintenance of offshore wind farms from the perspective of shipping. After the presentations, Q&A session and a free-form discussion, everyone will have the opportunity to take a closer look at the cruise terminal building and the promenade.

The event will be held in Estonian. The recording of the event will be published on the website of Tallinna Sadam.

Due to the spread of the coronavirus, we ask that you only come to the investor day in good health.

To participate, please register here the latest on 12.09.2022.

We will send additional information about the investor day about possible additions or changes to the e-mail provided at registration, if necessary.

Tallinna Sadam is one of the largest cargo- and passenger port complexes in the Baltic Sea region, which serves annually 10 million passengers and 20 million tons of cargo in average. In addition to passenger and freight services, Tallinna Sadam group also operates in shipping business via its subsidiaries � O� TS Laevad provides ferry services between the Estonian mainland and the largest islands, and O� TS Shipping charters its multifunctional vessel Botnica for icebreaking and construction services in Estonia and offshore projects abroad. Tallinna Sadam group is also a shareholder of an associate AS Green Marine, which provides waste management services. The group�s sales in 2021 totalled EUR 110 million, adjusted EBITDA EUR 54 million and profit EUR 26 million.

Additional information:

Marju Zirel
Head of Investor Relations
Tel. +372 5342 6591

[email protected]

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