The world�s first trader subscription NFT to provide real-time portfolios of �Super Expert� traders.
SEOUL, South Korea--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#Bakridamae--STAT, a 'trader Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Platform' based on Kakao's Klaytn (KLAY), announced that they officially launched �Top Trader NFT Drops� on July 1st in collaboration with Bloomingbit, an investment information app and web service for blockchain and cryptocurrency (coin) by Hankyung Media Group (The Korea Economic Daily). Top Trader NFT Drops is a service that allows its users to subscribe to the top traders' real-time portfolios and trading history.
The service supports the issuance and auction of the subscription Top Trader Cards (NFTs) for traders with excellent performance whom Bloomingbit and STAT selected. If you win an NFT from Top Trader Drops, you can subscribe to the real-time portfolio, trading history, and various informational content of the trader who issued the corresponding NFT.
Earlier in November of last year, Bloomingbit and STAT publicly recruited five 'Top Traders' who wished to issue the world's first Top Trader cards. More than 300 traders joined the contest and created fierce competition. After verifying investment returns and actual account trading history, five traders � �Momentum Scalper,� �Black Dog (Heukgu),� �Mentalist,� �Accumulator (Bakridamae),� and �Rhino� - were selected as the first traders to issue NFTs.
�Momentum Scalper� is the trader who recorded the most profits. Having started with 100 million won of seed money, he achieved more than KRW 18.1 billion in earnings as of June 2022. �Black Dog (Heukgu)� achieved the highest return with a small amount of capital. Starting with 10 million won, he made more than KRW 3 billion in profits and reaped a total return of over 18,000% (approximately 180-fold). �Mentalist� recently made high returns in a short period, especially during the downtrend in June. �Accumulator (Bakridamae)� pursues absolute safety and trades without losing instead of aiming for a �big gain.� Even though his profit isn't big, he demonstrates stable trading of over 90% of wins when he decides to go in. �Rhino� had the highest average daily return last year even though he started with a small seed, yielding an average daily return rate of 3.96%.
All these traders are issuing NFTs in affiliation with Bloomingbit. It is worthy of attention as this is the first case of issuing trader's portfolio subscription as an NFT. The NFT can be obtained through an auction on Bloomingbit. You can bid using the KLAY deposited in the KakaoTalk Klip connected to the Bloomingbit app.
The auction held as an open auction, and the user who bids the highest price in each round will be awarded the Top Trader NFT. Auctions are held every 24 hours for one NFT per trader, and the winning bid amount of the previous NFT auction becomes the starting price of the next auction.
The NFT awarded will be stored in the Klip, and traders will provide their trading history, portfolio, and content in real-time only to the NFT holders.
A total of 100 Top Trader Cards will be issued per trader. The auction is divided into two parts. The first auction started at 9 AM on July 1st and ends when 50 Top Trader NFTs per trader are exhausted. The remaining 50 cards will be auctioned off in the second auction to be held later.
Top Trader NFT holders can also resell their trader cards in major NFT markets, including Open Sea. The following benefits will be provided for the holders; Real-time portfolio browsing of the NFT-issuing trader, Browsing protected posts by the trader, Real-time trading history notification of the traders (app push notification), Receiving real-time order history of the traders through API (coming soon), A separate community available only for the NFT owners (coming soon), Priority to participate (White List) in the next Top Trader NFT auction, Free new Top Trader card when the NFT-issuing trader retires, and VIP access to private events hosted by STAT and Bloomingbit.
Sanha Kim, CEO of Bloomingbit said, �The Top Trader NFT is an innovative service that directly connects to the exchange API (application program interface) used by the trader, which allows you to view the live trading history and portfolio of real expert traders in real-time without the possibility of manipulation.� He added, �With this service, we will strive to establish a healthy virtual asset investment culture.�
For more information
STAT Homepage:
STAT telegram:
Bloomingbit x STAT Top Trader Card Landing Page:
Juhwan Park