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Society of Entrepreneurs and Ecology attended CBD COP15 NGO Parallel Forum for the Protection and Conservation of Biodiversity

BEIJING--(BUSINESS WIRE)--On September 28th, 2021, SEE (Society of Entrepreneurs and Ecology) co-hosted and attended the 2-day CBD COP15 NGO Parallel Forum in Kunming, as one of the eight parallel forums of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Held in Kunming, China, the purpose of this parallel NGO forum was to promote the conservation of biodiversity.

To boost the public�s participation in biodiversity conservation, more than 1 billion RMB will be invested in the construction of over 3 billion hectares of protected land. The investment will span over the next 10 years, made possible through SEE�s brand umbrella with SEE Foundation, Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Conservation Foundation (MCF), and other partners and donors.

During the Biodiversity Carnival Night on September 27th, people from all sectors and fields of work, both from China and abroad, who are engaged in or pay great attention to biodiversity conservation, to shared their efforts and gains in biodiversity conservation, as well as their commitments and contributions to the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Participants included researchers, international experts, science promotion celebrities, conservation experts, environmental protection volunteers, community rangers, and online bloggers in the field of biodiversity conservation.

On the September 28, SEE Foundation, the Foundation F20, and the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) co-hosted one of the main forums called �Foundations Contributing to Biodiversity Conservation�. This part invited domestic and foreign stakeholders, including representatives of Chinese and foreign foundations, foundation alliances and platforms, governments and research institutions, to conduct dialogue and discussions in the role of foundations in biodiversity conservation in the next decade, coordinate strategies and make commitments by developing Nature-based Solutions and enhancing the effectiveness of marine management.

SEE Foundation and Yishan co-released China�s first report on China�s Grant-Making for Biodiversity Conservation. According to statistics, biodiversity conservation takes up the largest portion of environmental donations across the China.

Besides, Free Flying Wings from SEE Foundation was successfully selected as �Outstanding Practices�. Noah�s Ark from SEE Foundation and Save the Spoon-billed Sandpiper from MCF was selected as �Noteworthy Practices.�

The parallel NGO Forum was attended online and offline by more than 400 representatives from over 30 countries.


Zhang Xuan, zhangxuan@see.org.cn | www.see.org.cn | Country: P.R. China

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