SGNB Records and Hybrid Blues band are thrilled to announce the release of their long-awaited self-titled debut album Hybrid Blues, available Sept. 13, 2020.
Hybrid Blues Formed upon Hudson�s return to New Zealand and the band wrapped up their self-titled studio album with Tauranga-based musician/producer Tim Julian this year, which contains tracks influenced by genres as diverse as country, blues, rock, folk, stoner, and so much more. Imagine the depth of Pink Floyd, mixed with the visceral authenticity of Jimi Hendrix and the groovy charisma of Quincy Jones and maybe you can get close to understanding the vision and formula that is found at the heart of Hybrid Blues� music, a genre that can only be described as� "Hybrid Blues.�
Catch them live at their 13 Unlucky for Some HB Album Launch Live Auckland At Revelry, Sat., Sept. 12 at 10:00pm and the Rotorua Blues Festival 2020, Fri. Oct. 23 at 5:00pm.
- �Passionate soul-rock amidst a plethora of addictive grooves � Hybrid Blues� new self-titled debut album is a fine collection of engaging, seductive originals.� - Stereo Stickman
- �Vocally superb, Lyrically supreme and the music is pure, honest, raw and passionate.� - RB Magazine