Press Releases: Rwanda News
Latest news releases from for Rwanda.Thu, 20 Feb 2020 16:06:22 -0500© 2020 PR Worldwide, Inc.60en-us Press Releases: Rwanda News provides Free Press Release Distribution, & is a unique Directory of Businesses, Products, Services, & Jobs - in all industries. Find Full Company Profiles.- & Central Africa Mining Forum in Kigali to Welcome Ministers from Tanzania, South Sudan and DRCWed, 09 Oct 2019 03:00:00 -0400Mining ministers and an Undersecretary for Mining from Tanzania, DRC and South Sudan will join the CEO of the Rwanda Mines, Petroleum & Gas Board (RMB) in a ministerial discussion panel on regional mineral trade and investment at the upcoming East & Central Africa Mining Forum conference and exhibition in Kigali. The inaugural edition of the event is hosted by the RMB from 28-29 October and will gather regional []
East & Central Africa Mining Forum - Gold Refinery in Rwanda Partners with East & Central Africa Mining Forum in Kigali in OctoberWed, 18 Sep 2019 09:12:05 -0400The inaugural edition of East & Central Africa Mining Forum is hosted by the Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board (RMB) and will focus on the opportunities in the regional mining industry. []
East & Central Africa Mining Forum - Experts to Highlight Opportunities at iPAD Rwanda Energy Infrastructure ForumWed, 19 Oct 2016 03:00:00 -0400An impressive list of experts from the energy sector will address iPAD Rwanda taking place from 1-2 November in Kigali, Rwanda. []
iPAD Rwanda Energy Infrastucture Forum - Returns as Platinum Sponsor for iPAD Rwanda Energy Infrastructure Forum in Kigali in NovemberSat, 08 Oct 2016 03:00:00 -0400STEG International Services (STEG-IS) has partnered for the third time as platinum sponsor with the iPAD Rwanda Energy Infrastructure Forum that will take place from 1-2 November in Kigali, Rwanda. []
iPAD Rwanda Energy Infrastucture Forum - Rwanda Assists Kigali Government and National Utility REG to "Develop Sector Efficiently and Effectively"Sat, 17 Sep 2016 03:00:00 -0400The third edition of the iPAD Rwanda Energy Infrastructure Forum returns to Kigali in November with the continued strong, official support of the state power utility REG, the Rwandan Ministry of Infrastructure as well as the Rwandan Development Board. The Rwandan Minister of Infrastructure, the Honourable Mr James Musoni, will once again deliver the welcome address during the opening session of iPAD Rwanda on 1 []
iPAD Rwanda Energy Infrastucture Forum - Fingerprint Scanners Make Splash at ID4AfricaSun, 12 Jun 2016 03:00:00 -0400Integrated Biometrics Sees Heavy Interest in Solutions for National ID, Voter Registration, Commercial Uses []
Integrated Biometrics - Rwanda Attendance Up 60% and Confirms Role in Growing Energy Market in the RegionThu, 03 Dec 2015 03:00:00 -0500The second edition of the iPAD Rwanda Power & Infrastructure Investment Forum that took place in November in Kigali has shown a 60% increase in attendance and according to the state power utility REG has contributed to an increased interest in the local energy market. “The conference certainly opens Rwanda to the international energy players. Since the iPAD Rwanda 2014 edition, we have seen an increase of new []
iPAD Rwanda Energy Infrastucture Forum - Infrastructure Minister Musoni to Open Rwanda Investment Forum That is Drawing Regional and International InterestSun, 01 Nov 2015 03:00:00 -0500The iPAD Rwanda Power & Infrastructure Investment Forum in Kigali next week will welcome more than 200 high-level regional and international investors and power experts to discuss new tenders, project updates and share best practice. []
iPAD Rwanda Energy Infrastucture Forum - Minister of Natural Resources Dr Vincent Biruta to highlight mining investment potential at iPAD Rwanda’s Mining ForumFri, 16 Oct 2015 12:10:58 -0400"The most exciting project currently happening in the Rwandan mining sector is the transformation of the industry from an artisanal-mining dominated industry to a well-planned professional and mechanized industry,” says the Hon. Dr Vincent Biruta, Rwanda’s Minister of Natural Resources. []
iPAD Rwanda Energy Infrastucture Forum - Power Returns as Diamond Sponsor for iPAD Rwanda in Kigali in NovemberWed, 23 Sep 2015 03:00:00 -0400The organisers of the iPAD Rwanda Power & Infrastructure Investment Forum in November in Kigali have announced that Symbion Power will return as the exclusive diamond sponsor for the event. Symbion Power is a well-known international power developer of electrical infrastructure projects and last year was awarded a 50 Megawatt Independent Power Production (IPP) gas to power project using methane gas from Lake Kivu in []
iPAD Rwanda Energy Infrastucture Forum - Government and Industry Support Again for Rwanda Investment Forum in Kigali in NovemberThu, 30 Jul 2015 03:00:00 -0400“The Rwandan government is serious about attracting investors and keen to create an environment that is conducive to stimulating new infrastructure projects in the country,” says Emmanuelle Nicholls, event director of the upcoming iPAD Rwanda Power & Infrastructure Investment Forum in Kigali in November. She adds: “The high-level support from the government and parastatals was paramount to last []
iPAD Rwanda Energy Infrastucture Forum -’s Infrastructure Minister James Musoni to Address iPAD Rwanda in Kigali on 3 NovemberFri, 31 Oct 2014 03:00:00 -0400Rwanda’s Minister of Infrastructure, the Hon. James Musoni, heads up a high-level government contingent that will address the opening session of the inaugural iPAD Rwanda Power & Infrastructure Investment Forum taking place in Kigali from 3-4 November. The event will gather hundreds of investors, project developers, finance houses, construction and planning companies, technology providers from Rwanda, the region []
iPAD Rwanda Energy Infrastucture Forum - Power Says "We Have Arrived in Rwanda"Sat, 25 Oct 2014 03:00:00 -0400“Our message is that ‘we have arrived in Rwanda’,” says Symbion Power CEO Paul Hinks. The company is the diamond sponsor at the upcoming iPAD Rwanda Power & Infrastructure Investment Forum. []
iPAD Rwanda Energy Infrastucture Forum - Partners with iPAD Rwanda Power & Infrastructure Investment Forum in Kigali in NovemberFri, 26 Sep 2014 03:00:00 -0400STEG International Services (STEG-IS) has partnered as a platinum sponsor with the inaugural iPAD Rwanda Power & Infrastructure Investment Forum that will take place from 3-4 November in Kigali, Rwanda. The forum will gather investors, project developers, finance houses, construction and planning companies, technology providers from Rwanda, the region and from the rest of the world as well as high-level government []
iPAD Rwanda Energy Infrastucture Forum - Rwanda Forum to Provide Investment Platform for Africa’s Next Best Business OpportunityWed, 20 Aug 2014 03:00:00 -0400“Rwanda is open for business: there are enormous investment opportunities in the country’s power and infrastructure sectors and the Kigali government has proven that it can provide a stable and investor-friendly business climate,” says Emmanuelle Nicholls, event director of the upcoming iPAD Rwanda Power & Infrastructure Investment Forum. []
iPAD Rwanda Energy Infrastucture Forum - 15th Anniversary of Rwandan Genocide, Greeting Cards are Rebuilding Orphaned FamiliesThu, 09 Apr 2009 03:00:00 -0400Orphaned heads of households find unique combination of work and mentorship through a Rwandan greeting card producer. []
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