Press Releases: Russia News
Latest news releases from for Russia.Sat, 22 Feb 2020 11:16:32 -0500© 2020 PR Worldwide, Inc.60en-us Press Releases: Russia News provides Free Press Release Distribution, & is a unique Directory of Businesses, Products, Services, & Jobs - in all industries. Find Full Company Profiles.- Quality Printing Contest Continues: Stage 3 – The Evaluation of Remanufactured OEM Cartridge Printing QualitySat, 22 Feb 2020 03:00:00 -0500Moscow. The 3rd Stage of the International Open Quality Printing Contest has begun. During this Stage the printing quality testing of remanufactured (refilled) first-pass genuine cartridges HP CF283A is performed. Contest Organizer – Information Agency Business-Inform. Contest Co-Organizers – AQCMS and Laboratory of Electrography. The evaluation will be performed in accordance with the Russian method of []
Business-Inform - Releases Two Frame Collections for Baby PhotosSat, 22 Feb 2020 03:00:00 -0500AKVIS announces the launch of two brand new frame collections for decorating baby photos. The recently released “It's a Boy” and “It's a Girl” packs include 100 frames each. The ready-to-use adorable templates are divided into two sets, for boys and girls, but can suit any baby. The sets are also available in a discounted bundle representing a versatile collection of stylish frames for family photographs. []
AKVIS Lab - Exposition, Developed by CROC for Alexander Solzhenitsyn House of Russia Abroad, is Recognized with GlobalCIO and Inavation AwardsFri, 14 Feb 2020 03:00:00 -0500The permanent multimedia exposition developed by CROC for the Moscow state-financed cultural institution Alexander Solzhenitsyn House of Russia Abroad has been shortlisted for the Inavation Awards 2020 in the "Visitor Attraction" category. The exposition revitalizes a traditional museum demonstrating adaptive reuse of an existing space and celebrating a high-tech design that expresses innovation through the use and []
CROC - Designated as Microsoft Azure Expert Managed Services ProviderFri, 31 Jan 2020 03:00:00 -0500Softline, a leading global IT solutions and services provider, today announced that it has been designated as a Microsoft Azure Expert Managed Services Provider (MSP). This designation recognizes Softline as a partner capable of delivering unique services and solutions across all of the complex technologies built on the Microsoft Azure cloud. “As a recognized Azure Expert MSP, Softline has demonstrated the []
Softline Group - Launches New AKVIS Explosion 1.0 SoftwareFri, 24 Jan 2020 03:00:00 -0500AKVIS announces the launch of the brand new program - AKVIS Explosion 1.0 for creating destruction effects on photos. The program bursts an object and adds dust and sand particles to an image. The software is available in versions for Windows and Mac. []
AKVIS Lab - Releases Refocus 10.0 with Improved Bokeh EffectsThu, 16 Jan 2020 09:17:00 -0500AKVIS announces the major update of AKVIS Refocus, software to fix out-of-focus photos and apply various blur effects. Version 10.0 offers the enhanced bokeh effects, new presets, fixed bugs and improved program's stability. []
AKVIS Lab - Releases New Snowflakes Frames Which Bring Holiday Cheer to PhotosSat, 28 Dec 2019 03:00:00 -0500AKVIS announces the launch of the brand new Snowflakes Pack, a picture frame collection to beautify holiday and winter photos. The set offers 100 ready-to-use templates inspired by the swirling snowflakes that dance through the crystal clear air and turn everyday scenery into a picturesque winter wonderland. []
AKVIS Lab - Railways Launched Direct Trains to Crimean PeninsulaSat, 28 Dec 2019 03:00:00 -0500Two first non-stop train between mainland Russia and Crimean Peninsula were launched on December, 2019. The trains cross Kerch straight over the newly opened Crimean bridge. []
Russian Railways - Updates AliveColors Image EditorWed, 25 Dec 2019 03:00:00 -0500AKVIS announces the update of the AliveColors image editor for Windows and Mac. The new version offers the enhanced History Brush, new Christmas brush shapes and textures, updated built-in plugins, Spanish interface language, improved stability and performance, and other changes. []
AKVIS Lab - Updates Restoration Bundle: New Life for Old PhotosSat, 21 Dec 2019 03:00:00 -0500AKVIS announces the update of Retoucher and Coloriage that compose the Restoration Bundle and are also available as separate software products. The recent versions provide the improved Batch Processing feature, full compatibility with macOS Catalina and recently updated image editors, and other changes. []
AKVIS Lab - Review Magazine (Issue #25, 2019), News from the World of Office Printing and SuppliesWed, 18 Dec 2019 03:00:00 -0500Information Agency Business-Inform presents a new issue of the quarterly magazine, Business-Inform Review (issue #25, 2019). The magazine's readers are specialists of the office printing devices, supplies, and parts industry. More than 40 articles have been published in the magazine’s main sections: Russian Market News, Marketing, Informational and Environmental Safety, Office Equipment and Printing Technology, []
Business-Inform - High Speed Train Between St. Petersburg and Helsinki Becoming More PopularTue, 17 Dec 2019 03:00:00 -0500Allegro, high-speed train between St. Petersburg and Helsinki, carries 15% more passengers. []
Russian Railways - Railways Report Increase of Number of e-TicketsMon, 16 Dec 2019 10:25:40 -0500In January-November 2019 almost 70 million electronic tickets were sold for long-distance trains, which is 7% greater than for the same period last year. The share of online ticket sales for 11 months of the current year grew to 57% of the total number of tickets sold as a whole through the railway network. Stable growth in electronic sales is because of the active development of online services for passengers. Today, []
Russian Railways - Company and G&> Brand, New Business-Inform 2020 ExhibitorsWed, 20 Nov 2019 03:00:00 -0500Rosco, exclusive distributor of high quality compatible cartridges of G&G brand (manufactured by Ninestar Image Tech Ltd., China), is a new Business-Inform 2020 Expo distributor. The booking of booths for participation in International Office Equipment, Supplies, and Parts Exhibition, Business-Inform 2020 (Moscow, VDNH, pavilion 75, June 3-5, 2020) continues. The organizers of the Expo are the Information Agency []
Business-Inform - ArtWork 12.0 Photo to Painting Effects: Faster Than EverSat, 16 Nov 2019 03:00:00 -0500AKVIS announces the major update of AKVIS ArtWork, photo to painting software with a wide variety of artistic effects. Version 12.0 brings the accelerated effects, new tools, improved Batch Processing and Text features; provides compatibility with macOS Catalina and recently updated image editors; offers support for more RAW files, bug fixes, and better program stability. []
AKVIS Lab - Upscale Hotel Recommends RateTiger for Optimizing Online RevenueSat, 16 Nov 2019 03:00:00 -0500Petro Palace Hotel leverages RateTiger for channel management and market intelligence. []
eRevMax Inc. - Updates Four Image Enhancement Programs for Windows & MacSun, 10 Nov 2019 03:00:00 -0500AKVIS announces the update of 4 photo correction programs: Enhancer, HDRFactory, Noise Buster, and Refocus. The new versions provide full compatibility with macOS Catalina 10.15 and recently updated image editors, enhanced Batch Processing option, support for more RAW files, fixed bugs, better program stability, and other improvements. []
AKVIS Lab - Declared the Winners of "Open Quality Printing Contest"Sun, 10 Nov 2019 03:00:00 -0500Information Agency “Business-Inform” (Russia) declared the winning brands of "Open Quality Printing Contest" (Stage 1: Evaluation of Prints Quality). The following brands are declared winners: Dataproducts (Clover, USA), G&> (NineStar, China), Retech (Retech Tech., China), Tonex (Tonex, Russia). []
Business-Inform - Releases New Frame Collection: Get Back to Nature with Wildlife FramesFri, 01 Nov 2019 03:00:00 -0400AKVIS announces the launch of the brand new Wildlife Pack, a picture frame collection to beautify photographs. The set offers 100 ready-to-use templates inspired by forest walks, camping holidays, and outdoor adventuring. []
AKVIS Lab - Sketch Video 5.0 for Adobe & EDIUS: Now Compatible with macOS CatalinaSun, 27 Oct 2019 03:00:00 -0400AKVIS announces the update of AKVIS Sketch Video, powerful video-to-cartoon software. Version 5.0 provides full compatibility with macOS Catalina (10.15) and Adobe Premiere Elements 2020 as well as improves compatibility with EDIUS Pro and fixes some stability and interface issues. []
AKVIS Lab - Updates 8 Programs: AirBrush 7.0, Charcoal 4.0, Draw 8.0, OilPaint 9.0, Pastel 5.0, Points 5.0, Sketch 22, Watercolor 5.0Wed, 16 Oct 2019 03:00:00 -0400AKVIS announces the update of 8 artistic programs: AirBrush, Charcoal, Draw, OilPaint, Pastel, Points, Sketch, and Watercolor. The new versions provide full compatibility with macOS Catalina 10.15 and recently updated image editors, enhanced Batch Processing option, improved Text/Watermark features in the Decoration tab, support for more RAW files, fixed bugs, better program stability, etc. []
AKVIS Lab - 56% of Market Share, Yandex is Confirmed as The Leading Search Engine in Russia – Gargiullo: “The Key to Selling in Europe’s Biggest Market”Thu, 10 Oct 2019 15:25:00 -0400The leading Russian search engine, Yandex confirms its leadership in online search with 56% of market share: the main gateway to selling in Russia and developing SEO or digital advertising activities, as reported by expert in digital marketing Giulio Gargiullo. []
Giulio Gargiullo Online Marketing Manager - Supplies Catalog (Issue #42, 2019) Has Been ReleasedWed, 09 Oct 2019 03:00:00 -0400New Edition of Printing Supoplies Catalog is Availible. []
Business-Inform - Deformation Effect in AKVIS Neon 4.0: Glowing Drawings from PhotosThu, 26 Sep 2019 03:00:00 -0400AKVIS announces the major update of AKVIS Neon, software for conversion of photos into glowing drawings. Version 4.0 provides the new Deformation tab, new built-in presets, advanced Batch Processing feature, improved Text/Watermark option, the Notification Panel, support for new RAW files, fixed bugs, and better program stability. []
AKVIS Lab - Nominees for International "Open Quality Printing Contest" Have Been ChosenWed, 25 Sep 2019 03:00:00 -0400The 1st Stage of the International “Open Quality Printing Contest” is over. During this Stage the quality of prints (made with the use of compatible laser cartridges) has been evaluated. The evaluation of prints quality was performed using standardized testing method LEM 1.01.19, developed by the Laboratory of Electrography. The organizer of the Contest is the Information Agency []
Business-Inform - Presents New Fall Foliage Frame Collection to Decorate PhotosThu, 12 Sep 2019 03:00:00 -0400AKVIS announces the launch of the brand new Fall Foliage Pack, a picture frame collection to beautify photographs, 100 ready to use templates decorated with brilliant fall leaves and other gifts of autumn. []
AKVIS Lab - Features in AKVIS ArtSuite 17.0: Decorate Your Photos in a Creative WaySat, 07 Sep 2019 03:00:00 -0400AKVIS announces the update of AKVIS ArtSuite, an impressive collection of photo effects. Version 17 allows creating custom frame packs, provides the advanced batch processing option, support for more RAW files as well as some bug fixes and stability improvements. []
AKVIS Lab - the Most Out of Your Photos with AKVIS Enhancer 16.5Thu, 29 Aug 2019 03:00:00 -0400AKVIS announces the update of AKVIS Enhancer, image enhancement software. Version 16.5 provides an advanced Improve Detail mode, support for more RAW files, better program stability, and some bug fixes. []
AKVIS Lab - Blurred Photos Using AKVIS Refocus 8.5; Now with History BrushFri, 16 Aug 2019 03:00:00 -0400AKVIS announces the update of AKVIS Refocus, focus adjustment software. Version 8.5 offers the new History Brush tool, the new Notification Panel, support for more RAW files, some other improvements and bug fixes. []
AKVIS Lab - Review Magazine (issue #24, 2019), News from the World of Office Printing and SuppliesMon, 05 Aug 2019 03:00:00 -0400Information Agency “Business-Inform” web-site presents a new issue of the quarterly magazine, BUSINESS-INFORM Review (issue #24, 2019). The magazine readers are the specialists of the office printing devices, supplies, and parts industry. More than 40 articles have been published in the magazine’s main sections: Russian Market News, Marketing, Patents and Intellectual Property, Print Outsourcing, Office []
Business-Inform - Announces Verge3D 2.13 for 3ds Max ReleasedFri, 02 Aug 2019 03:00:00 -0400Soft8Soft announces Verge3D 2.13, the tool for creating interactive animations, product configurators, engaging presentations of any kind, online stores, explainers, e-learning content, portfolios and browser games. []
Soft8Soft - Sketch XXI: Major Update; New Artistic AlgorithmThu, 01 Aug 2019 03:00:00 -0400AKVIS announces the major update of AKVIS Sketch, photo to drawing software. Version 21.0 offers the modernized Artistic Mode, improved Blur effects in the Background tab, support for more RAW files, better program stability, some bug fixes, etc. []
AKVIS Lab - the Quality of Printing of Russian and International Compatible Cartridges BrandsSat, 27 Jul 2019 03:00:00 -0400Information Agency “Business-Inform” together with AQCMS and Laboratory of Electrography ltd. are making a research of the most popular Russian and International brands of compatible cartridges for laser printing. The research is performed by the agency within the framework of the public contract on studying the Russian market of office printing. The aim of the research is to identify the most quality brands []
Business-Inform - AKVIS Frame Collection: Decorate Your Photos in Shabby Chic StyleThu, 25 Jul 2019 03:00:00 -0400AKVIS announces the new picture frame collection for AKVIS Frames and AKVIS ArtSuite - Shabby Chic Pack. The new frame pack consists of 50 horizontal and 50 vertical templates in soft pastel shades decorated with floral motifs, antiques, whitewashed wood, and other shabby chic embellishments. []
AKVIS Lab -, Comfortable and Rational: Young International Architects to Create Alternative Standard Housing for Russian CitiesThu, 31 Jan 2019 03:00:00 -0500The results of the Open International Competition for Alternative Layout Design in Standard Housing in Russia were announced. The competition’s main objective was to test Russia’s newly proposed Integrated Guidelines for Urban Development by expanding the typology of comfortable apartment layout solutions for standardized housing complexes. Strelka KB, a Russian urban consultancy, ran the competition, with a total []
Strelka KB - of Awara IT with MindcoreFri, 16 Nov 2018 10:06:04 -0500Awara IT and Mindcore are delighted to announce that they started their merger on November 01, 2018. The two companies intend to offer IT consulting services to Russian and international customers as early as December 01, 2018, and they will do so under Awara IT name. []
Awara IT - Cash Back Service Megabonus Adds More Global OffersFri, 26 Oct 2018 17:12:17 launched its products in English, Spanish and Portuguese and increased the number of shops shipping worldwide. []
Megabonus - Relevance of Privacy in the Digital Age (Research by SOVA LTD)Sat, 01 Sep 2018 03:00:00 -0400How to deal with the fact that your devices listen to you, study your preferences, target you advertising and use personal data for commercial purposes? The Company "Ashmanov Neural Networks" together with" Nanosemantics " headed by Stanislav Ashmanov found a solution to this problem. []
SOVA LTD - - Cryptocurrency Exchange Trading Platform with Daily Loss Compensation and Profit Distribution Between TPX Token HoldersTue, 28 Aug 2018 09:35:23 -0400Cryptocurrency exchanges in our time are a common phenomenon in the financial world. Enterprising people have long paid attention and are using this tool. However, it is worth noting that the market includes many variations of exchanges, and each of them has positive and negative aspects. is a cryptocurrency exchange with daily loss compensation and profit distribution between TPX []
Topexio - Minds AR – The First BYOD App for Group Learning and Team Work in Augmented RealityFri, 24 Aug 2018 03:00:00 -0400Virtual Space has announced the release of Our Minds AR, the First BYOD app for group learning and team work in Augmented Reality. In App Our Minds AR students’ utterances or questions pop up in a way similar to speech bubbles, as in comics. This new collaboration format is sure to make a class or a meeting more effective and engaging. []
Virtual Space OOO - Works of the Iconic Contest Were Delivered to Yekaterinburg by ACEXFri, 20 Jul 2018 03:00:00 -0400Works of World Press laureates were taken to Yeltsin Center by the representative of the Alliance in Yekaterinburg. []
ACEX - A New Arcade Center Emerges on iOS and AndroidFri, 13 Jul 2018 03:00:00 -0400Sugar Games releases Funmania on iOS and Android platforms. Being a time-manager by design, the game successfully combines captivating arcade elements, tricky economics, intriguing narrative that comes as a comic book and manually drawn nice graphics for immersive yet easy-to-learn gaming experience. Sophie, a protagonist of the game, always had talents in throwing great parties and entertaining her friends. Then, she []
Sugar Games - Keeps Precious Cargo Under GuardSun, 08 Jul 2018 03:00:00 -0400ACEX professionals organized the delivery of art objects for the Tretyakov gallery. The icons of XIII-XIX centuries were delivered from Sofia to Moscow. The ACEX team picked them up at the airport, made the customs clearance and delivered art objects to the gallery. The icons were transported in the individual packages, which were padlocked. All along the way from the Domodedovo airport, there was a cargo escort, which []
ACEX - Met Exporters from Vietnam in NovosibirskSun, 01 Jul 2018 03:00:00 -0400Eugene Rastopchin, Head of Projects of ACEX Development Department, took part in the Novosibirsk Federal Logistic Forum and visited the exhibition "Vietnam-Expo-Siberia" as part of his trip. []
ACEX - Industrial Forum Gathers 6000 Participants; Included ACEX MembersFri, 29 Jun 2018 15:51:40 -0400Miroslav Zolotarev, the Board Director of ACEX held a meeting "Automation of logistics: Russia and Europe" as part of the event. []
ACEX - Office and Warehouse of ACEX in Finland Started Its OperationsSun, 24 Jun 2018 03:00:00 -0400The high-tech warehouse, class A, of 1200 sq.m and 10 m high and new modern office of 260 sq.m started its operations in Helsinki - ACEX Representative in Finland (Optima Freight Oy). The company board made the decision on extension as former resources did not allow to operate the freight traffic of the company clients through Helsinki. The new warehouse gave new opportunities. The bigger storage space for pallets, the []
ACEX - Services Outsourcing is a Key Industry Trend. ACEX at the Russian Retail Week.Sat, 23 Jun 2018 03:00:00 -0400The topic of outsourcing of logistics processes rises in key industry events more and more often. The Supply Chain Forum took place at the World Trade Center, on June 8 during the Russian Retail Week (RRW -2018). []
ACEX - Logitrans Exhibition with ACEX in November 14-16th, 2018 IstanbulThu, 21 Jun 2018 03:00:00 -0400ACEX will take part in the transport and logistics exhibition. []
ACEX - Tasks of Logistics Will be Discussed at the ACEX Conference in SochiSat, 16 Jun 2018 03:00:00 -0400ACEX conference will be held as a two days closed-door event for the owners of logistics companies at the Radisson Blu Paradise Resort, Sochi, on September 14-16. The agenda is aimed at the practical tasks discussion that have a direct effect on the companies’ profit. The owners of logistic companies from Russia, the Baltic States, China, the USA, Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, India and []
ACEX - Chain Worldwide Limited is a New ACEX Alliance MemberMon, 11 Jun 2018 03:00:00 -0400The company provides comprehensive services of air and sea freight, customs clearance, insurance and storage. []
ACEX - ONLINE Launches a New Game, "Panic Room 2: Hide and Seek"Wed, 06 Jun 2018 07:26:00 -0400NIKITA ONLINE, a well-known Russian developer and publisher, released "Panic Room 2: Hide and Seek" - a spin-off from the legendary "Panic Room: House of Secrets." []
NIKITA ONLINE - Generals by ARJunaGames: the Game for Real Commanders is ReleasedSun, 15 Apr 2018 00:03:12 -0400The indie game developer ARjunaGames announces the beginning of the open beta-testing for their new game “Toy Generals.” “Toy Generals” is a real-time strategy where a player acts as a commander of a limited toy soldiers army. In the story part of the quest, a player is supposed to release the house from enemy invaders. Seven unique soldiers are available for this purpose, as well as an artillery []
ARJunaGames - Petersburg Governor Poltavchenko Inaugurates India Sourcing Fair 2018 for Rugs and BeyondThu, 05 Apr 2018 03:00:00 -0400Rugs and Beyond recently participated and exhibited its one of a kind, handmade rugs and carpets at India Sourcing Fair 2018 in Saint Petersburg which was inaugurated by Governor- Georgy Poltavchenko. The show managed to gather a lot of momentum from visitors and was covered extensively by the Russian Media and partners. Most of the products displayed were one of a kind and hand knotted in Kashmir Silk and New Zealand []
Rugs and Beyond - Kaleidoscope of Worlds Awaits Players in Mundus: Impossible UniverseFri, 30 Mar 2018 03:00:00 -0400Rumbiс Studio, the developer of several critically acclaimed casual games, announces a new match-3 game. In Mundus: Impossible Universe dynamic gameplay meets a captivating plot and galore of levels to explore, all in different style and varying rules. Every time it seems that the popular match-3 genre is squeezed dry, a new game arrives that puts everything upside down and revives the accustomed gameplay with a []
Rumbic Studio - Knows How to Handle Dangerous Goods Safely and ProfitablyThu, 29 Mar 2018 14:11:52 -0400ACEX experts created a simple procedure for handling dangerous cargo. []
ACEX - to Discuss Healthcare Development in the US at HIMSS-2018Mon, 05 Mar 2018 03:00:00 -0500Artezio will take part in the discussion of healthcare development in the USA. The company’s representatives will hold meetings with key participants of the conference in Las Vegas and share their experiences of technology system implementation in large European cities. []
Artezio - ACEX Member in BakuThu, 22 Feb 2018 03:00:00 -0500AG Global Logistic has 15 years of experience in the international logistics and cooperation with IASA. []
ACEX - Petersburg Russia: Shore Tours for Cruise Line Passengers in 2018Sat, 10 Feb 2018 03:00:00 -0500What awaits the guests of St. Petersburg, who will visit the city on cruise liners this summer. []
St. Petersburg Russia Best Guides Team -’s Killer: Beta Version ReleasedFri, 09 Feb 2018 03:00:00 -0500On February 8th, beta version of, the platform offering a new business model for custom software development, went live. "Today, when a company needs a custom software tool, they usually invite in-house developers or vendors to customize open source software. Such approach is inefficient, since many companies need same features rather often. With OpenGift, they will be able to request changes done by []
OpenGift - Members NOVOTEC Plus and Boxberry Summed Up the Results of 2017Tue, 30 Jan 2018 10:14:55 -0500NOVOTEC Plus, ACEX Novorossiysk and Boxberry delivery service that represents e-commerce in the Alliance shared their results in 2017. []
ACEX - Expands Its Opportunities in Nigeria, USA and IranThu, 25 Jan 2018 03:00:00 -0500Zenith Carex (Nigeria) and Farasoobar Int’l Forwarder & Shipping Agency (Iran) joined the ACEX Alliance in December. []
ACEX - Sums Up the Results of 2017Mon, 15 Jan 2018 11:23:41 -0500ACEX Alliance members summed up the results of the outgoing year and set goals for 2018. []
ACEX - Member Boxberry Delivery Service Opened the 1500th Pickup PointMon, 15 Jan 2018 11:23:36 -0500Boxberry parcel service opened the 1500th pickup point. []
ACEX - MMORPG Warspear Online Celebrates the Winter Holidays with a Massive UpdateSat, 30 Dec 2017 03:00:00 -0500AIGRIND announces the winter holidays update “Breath of Frost” for cross platform MMORPG Warspear Online. The traditional winter event has started and a new holiday island with holiday quests and special treasures awaits all guests. To get there you need to find a Snowy Bound Herald in any big town in the game. The event will last until the end of January. []
AIGRIND - Application "Cifra Project: Repricing" Models Retail Prices On-LineMon, 25 Dec 2017 03:00:00 -0500New solution "Cifra Project: Repricing" is used to model variants of prices in retail chain enabling experts to make justified decisions on price changes for tens of thousands of stock items in hundreds of stores. The main goal of the solution is to react to purchasers’ demand in real time. []
Cifra Project - at Artezio Says: iPhone X Can Protect Against Allegations of Sexual HarassmentTue, 19 Dec 2017 16:57:21 -0500The new iPhone X can become a tool used to protect against allegations of sexual harassment. With a face scan, developers are able to customize smartphones for reliable authentication and capture of emotions and mood. With further development, observed facial points can provide the basis for understanding underlying intention. []
Artezio - Transport Saint Petersburg Enters ACEXSat, 09 Dec 2017 03:00:00 -0500Shipco Transport offers special rates for LCL deliveries from the port of Saint Petersburg. []
ACEX - Offers the ModemKit for Immediate Wireless IP Cores EvaluationThu, 07 Dec 2017 03:00:00 -0500IPrium LLC ( has today announced that it now offers the ModemKit hardware platform for its IP Cores, including RF Modems, DVB Modulators, and DVB Demodulators. This is welcome news as it allows customers to get a full and complete evaluation without having to go through the process of purchasing and setting up their own hardware in-house. It saves time, hassle, and money and enables customers to know up []
IPrium LLC -’s Corporate Customers Get Reinforced Protection Against DDoS AttacksThu, 07 Dec 2017 03:00:00 -0500TransTelekom (TTK), one of Russia's telecom giants, enters into Partner Agreement with DDoS-GUARD for providing protection against DDoS attacks for its corporate customers at application level. []
DDoS-GUARD - Announces Free Trial for SmartMEDIA, Its Video Content Delivery SolutionThu, 07 Dec 2017 03:00:00 -0500SmartLabs has expanded its free solution trial for operators to include SmartMEDIA. A year ago SmartLabs launched a trial of the latest version of their interactive TV platform SmartTUBE5. More than a hundred companies took part in the trial program, helping to successfully introduce SmartTUBE5 to the market. As this approach proved so effective, SmartLabs has now extended the trial program to include SmartMEDIA, []
SmartLabs - Innovations Reduces the Cost of Common Loyalty Systems Through Blockchain Driven Liquid Bonus® Loyalty Aggregation MediumWed, 22 Nov 2017 01:07:00 -0500FINSTICK Innovations have successfully completed a Proof of Concept (PoC) based on the Blockchain driven Liquid Bonus® Loyalty Aggregation Medium. []
FINSTICK Innovations - Announced an Upgrade for Pro-AV Market Platform to Provide More Opportunities to Keep Sales Under ControlThu, 16 Nov 2017 03:00:00 -0500PROstor-AV, a communication platform dedicated strictly to PRO-AV market, announced an upgrade of the Pro-AV Market platform. New improvements will serve Pro AV manufactures needs to get sales on the pro-av market in Russia. Upgrades are working with IM and promotion tools, email distribution. It provides a unique opportunity to present new products available for shipping to Russia. Key benefit from this integration is []
PROstor-AV - Annual Round Table of ACEX Alliance Board of Directors Took Place on October 30Wed, 15 Nov 2017 03:00:00 -0500Alliance members from different regions of Russia took part in it: Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Irkutsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara and also other countries - Finland, Turkey and Slovenia. []
ACEX - Kazan Becomes an Individual Member of FIATASun, 12 Nov 2017 03:00:00 -0500PSG has confirmed its status of a reliable partner worldwide. []
ACEX - Cost Track App will Support IPhone X and FaceIDSat, 11 Nov 2017 03:00:00 -0500Artezio developers present an updated version of the mobile app Cost Track. []
Artezio - Welcomed Industry Leaders at PROSTOR, the Largest Data Storage Conference in Eastern EuropeWed, 01 Nov 2017 03:00:00 -0400Data storage vendor RAIDIX and the Skolkovo Foundation co-hosted the annual storage technology forum PROSTOR at the Skolkovo Technopark (Moscow, Russia). The conference attracted global IT experts from Broadcom, Elastifile, HGST (a Western Digital brand), Micron, Mellanox, SanDisk (a Western Digital brand), Panasonic, and more industry leaders – as speakers and attendees. The event program encompassed five tracks []
RAIDIX Storage - Parcel Service Has Joined ACEX Worldwide Logistics AllianceWed, 25 Oct 2017 03:00:00 -0400Boxberry will provide Russian and foreign members with the e-commerce services. []
ACEX -, a New Member of ACEX in Moscow RegionWed, 25 Oct 2017 03:00:00 -0400A new alliance member is an expert at railway transportation and has been on the market since 2003. []
ACEX - Announces Support for iOS Safari 11 Browsers with the WebRTC TechnologyFri, 20 Oct 2017 03:00:00 -0400The developer of streaming video systems, the Flashphoner company, released an update of its Web Call Server 5 media server to work with Safari 11 on iOS and MacOS. The update allows developers to create streaming broadcasting apps, video chats, video calls and other web applications that work directly in Safari 11 browsers from Apple on iPhone and iPad. In September 2017, Apple released an important update of iOS 11 for []
Flashphoner - Skinner Joins Exscudo Advisory BoardFri, 13 Oct 2017 10:17:29 -0400Exscudo is happy to announce that fintech influencer Chris Skinner joined their team as an adviser. Chris will help them with marketing and strategic planning, he will provide a fresh, independent perspective, expertise, conduct an evaluation and make recommendations. He will work closely with management of the project making smart business decisions. Chris will perform an in-depth market analysis and identify the best []
Exscudo - Reminder for iOS is the First Activity Planner Which Considers Weather ConditionsThu, 12 Oct 2017 03:00:00 -0400Weather Reminder 2.0 app is released on iOS. The app lets make plans not for specific dates – but for specific weather conditions: to wash a car, have a picnic or take a stroll in clear weather, to read a book at home or take an umbrella when it’s rainy or to fly a kite when it’s windy. Everyone has had their plans ruined by the weather at least once in their life. It’s always raining right after []
Weather Reminder - from the ACEX Alliance Organized Transportation Carefully and BeautifullyMon, 09 Oct 2017 08:21:38 -0400Alliance experts demonstrated great teamwork of two ACEX offices in Russia during the transportation of the large-format printing plotter. []
ACEX - VR Molecules Editor – New Virtual & Augmented Reality Chemistry App for IOS and AndroidSun, 08 Oct 2017 03:00:00 -0400Virtual Space has announced the release of AR VR Molecules Editor, their new educational app. AR VR Molecules Editor allows one to build and manipulate 3D models of molecules of any organic and inorganic compounds using a smartphone VR headset. The app has both virtual and augmented reality features to make education process efficient and entertaining, and is available for both IOS and Android. []
Virtual Space OOO - Ships Goods from Italy to Kazakhstan in 45 DaysSun, 08 Oct 2017 03:00:00 -0400Since June, EISA has been shipping the industrial components from the South Asia required for the metallurgical production to Kazakhstan. “Upon the customer’s request we and our colleagues from Europe developed a scheme of transportation that reduced its cost by two times and it also allows to comply with a material supply schedule,” Yulia Shabanova, head of the transportation department says. The []
ACEX - Artezio at the Largest ICT Exhibition in the Middle EastSat, 07 Oct 2017 03:00:00 -0400Artezio is among the exhibitors at GITEX (Gulf Information Technology Exhibition), a prestigious trade show that takes place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on 8-12 October 2017. It is an annual event held with the support of the UAE government that features the best developments in the field of IoT, smart cities, telecommunication, AR and VR. []
Artezio - from a World of FantasySat, 30 Sep 2017 03:00:00 -0400ACEX Rostov-on Don enlarged the private collection in Washington with a creature from The Lord of the Rings saga. []
ACEX - Launches Homescapes, the New Story-Based Match-3 AdventureSun, 24 Sep 2017 03:00:00 -0400Homescapes is a new chapter in the story-based puzzle genre. Based on the superhit Gardenscapes gameplay, it depicts a family adventure following the central character’s life in his ancestral mansion. The combination of traditional and new Match-3 mechanics, a twisted storyline, and endless interior design options will fully immerse players in the much loved game universe. Homescapes players help Austin the butler []
Playrix - Track Users Can Now Apply Siri to Manage Personal FinancesSun, 24 Sep 2017 03:00:00 -0400Artezio developers present an updated version of the mobile app Cost Track. The app supports the new features of IOS 11 as well as data input with the help of Siri, the personal voice assistant by Apple. []
Artezio - Storage Vendor RAIDIX Proves Its ISO 9001 CertificationWed, 20 Sep 2017 03:00:00 -0400Developer of the Software-Defined Storage (SDS) technology RAIDIX successfully passed the annual audit for conformance with the international quality standard ISO 9001, performed by the British Standards Institution (BSI). []
RAIDIX Storage - Invites CodingFest Winners to Take Part in Internship ProgramWed, 13 Sep 2017 03:00:00 -0400The winners of CodingFest, an event for software developers, will undertake an internship at Artezio. Based on the professional competition, the top software engineers were awarded with personal certificates that offered them a working and training opportunity at Artezio. []
Artezio - Distributor in South Korea Chooses RAIDIX as Their Data Storage SoftwareSun, 10 Sep 2017 03:00:00 -0400RAIDIX Korea submitted a RAIDIX-powered data storage system for testing to Wooriro Co. Ltd., a key distributor of HGST, a Western Digital brand, in South Korea. []
RAIDIX Storage - Joint Stock Company Metafrax Owned by Seyfeddin Roustamov Increases Budget FiguresThu, 07 Sep 2017 03:00:00 -0400In January-June 2017, PJSC Metafrax’s revenue reached 9.6 billion roubles, exceeding the analogous figure of the previous year by 8%. The share of exports in sales totaled 42%, compared to 32% in the first half of 2016. []
Metafrax - Reveals Five Steps to Optimal Data Storage DesignWed, 06 Sep 2017 03:00:00 -0400The data storage experts from RAIDIX will host a free webinar for end customers and partners on September 13, 2017 (21:00 UTC+3). The online conference titled “Five steps to cost-effective data storage design” unveils secrets and best practices in building fully functional and well-weighed data storage architectures. []
RAIDIX Storage - Traffic from Turkey Grows Due to Ease of Customs RequirementsSun, 03 Sep 2017 03:00:00 -0400ACEX member in Novorossiysk received a high-profile customer after they won a tender for Castrol oil supply for the famous British Petroleum. []
ACEX - Cost Track App Now Allows Users to Track Personal Income with Bitcoin and Platinum CurrenciesFri, 25 Aug 2017 08:26:34 -0400Artezio has updated CostTrack specially for those who want to earn more on crypto-currencies. []
Artezio - Transportations by Cargo-ExpressFri, 25 Aug 2017 03:00:00 -0400ACEX Group expands the industrial equipment transportation geography. []
ACEX - Will Host the Data Storage Forum PROSTOR 2017 in Skolkovo, MoscowThu, 24 Aug 2017 03:00:00 -0400Data storage vendor RAIDIX will team up with the IT cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation to organize the annual storage technology conference PROSTOR at Skolkovo Innovation Center. The event is scheduled for October 26, 2017, and will host a constellation of international IT experts from companies like AIC, Broadcom, EMC, HGST/WD, Intel, Mellanox, Panasonic, RAIDIX, SNIA, and more. []
RAIDIX Storage -С Plus Cuts Customer Expenses by 10-15%Wed, 23 Aug 2017 03:00:00 -0400ACEX member in Novorossyisk started to reload the agricultural products from bags to the containers in bulk. []
ACEX - Represents ACEX Alliance in SloveniaThu, 10 Aug 2017 03:00:00 -0400Globus, a freight forwarder from Slovenia, owns a fleet that consists of 100 vehicles, including 90 refrigerator trucks and 40 tautliners. []
ACEX - Develops Aroma MarketingTue, 08 Aug 2017 13:03:52 -0400ACEX alliance member in Moscow arranged export for one of its customers. []
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