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Oasis Announces �Protect Fujitec� Campaign (Stock Code: 6406 JP)

  • Oasis calls on shareholders to protect Fujitec�s corporate value and governance from abuse of power by President Uchiyama
  • Oasis recommends that shareholders vote against Fujitec President Uchiyama at the AGM
  • Oasis releases investor presentation detailing related-party transactions between Fujitec and Uchiyama family companies

More information available at www.ProtectFujitec.com

HONG KONG & TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oasis Management Company Ltd. (�Oasis�) is the manager to funds that own over 7.5% of Fujitec Co. Ltd. (�Fujitec� or the �Company). Oasis has adopted the Japan FSA�s �Principles of Responsible Ownership� (a/k/a the Japan Stewardship Code) and in line with those principles, Oasis monitors and engages with its investee companies.

In the interest of improvement of the corporate governance for all of Japan, Oasis seeks to highlight Fujitec�s serious governance issues arising from numerous suspicious related-party transactions with the Uchiyama family�s companies. To date, the details surrounding these transactions have been unknown to shareholders or recent external directors. Oasis believes that shedding light on these numerous transactions would serve for the benefits of shareholders, employees, business partners, and all other stakeholders of Fujitec that desire to improve Fujitec�s corporate governance and pursue sustainable growth under the strong leadership of a Board of Directors that is independent of the Uchiyama family.

Today, Oasis announces the �Protect Fujitec� campaign in order to protect and defend the Company�s corporate value and recommend to shareholders to vote against the reappointment of President Uchiyama as a director at the upcoming AGM.

Full presentation details are available at www.ProtectFujitec.com.

We welcome all stakeholders to contact us as info@ProtectFujitec.com.

About Oasis

Oasis Management Company Ltd. manages private investment funds focused on opportunities in a wide array of asset classes across countries and sectors. Oasis was founded in 2002 by Seth H. Fischer, who leads the firm as its Chief Investment Officer. More information about Oasis is available at https://oasiscm.com. Oasis has adopted the Japan FSA�s �Principles for Responsible Institutional Investors� (a/k/a Japan Stewardship Code) and in line with those principles, Oasis monitors and engages with our investee companies.


The information contained in this press release (referred to as the "Document") is an information resource for shareholders in Fujitec offered by Oasis, the investment manager to funds that are shareholders of Fujitec (the "Oasis Funds").

The Document is not intended to solicit or seek shareholders' agreements to jointly exercise voting rights with Oasis. Shareholders that have an agreement to jointly exercise their voting rights are regarded as Joint Holders under the Japanese large shareholding disclosure rules and they must file notification of their aggregate share ownership with the relevant Japanese authority for public disclosure under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. Oasis does not intend to be subjected to such notification requirement. The Document exclusively represents the opinions, interpretations, and estimates of Oasis.



Taylor Hall, media@oasiscm.com

Japan Media
Ashton Consulting Limited

Tadashi Shiokai and Yuzo Iwaya

Phone: +81 03-5425-7220

Email: oasisac@ashton.jp

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