When it comes to Specification Namotel Acche Din Smartphone is equipped with 1.3 Ghz Quad Core Processor combined with 1GB RAM with 4GB Internal Storage. In terms of connectivity this phone comes with 3G, 2G and WIFI Connectivity. When it comes to Camera Namotel Acche Din Smartphone comes with a 3 MP front camera and 2 MP rear camera. Its a dual SIM smartphone. All this for just Rs.99/- We smell some thing fishy here.
We had seen many ultra cheap Smartphone launches in 2016, First we saw Freedom 251 for just Rs.251, and the news was hard to believe for all Tech geeks. Many people booked the mobile, then came the Docoss X1 which was sold for just Rs.888/-. Many users booked this phone too.
But the fact is we had only heard many news on these phone launches but never heard any news on the delivery of this phone to people who booked this phone.
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