Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of Choo! � an illustrated children�s story written by Mahdi Ziaei and illustrated by Tom Burchell.
Children are surrounded by love and compassion in their world. They may not be able to express it, but they feel the warmth of love from the people around them, whether it be from their parents or from their pet.
Choo! is a story about friendship and love; two phenomena that are abundant in a children�s world but are sometimes unseen by the adults. It tells the adults the important role that love and friendship play in the children�s life.
In this story, a little girl�s life is shaped and transformed with the bonds of friendship and loyalty.
This work is available as follows.
Paperback (24 pages) - ISBN 9781912639571
Published by - Michael Terence Publishing
About the Author
Mahdi Alizadeh Ziaei is an Iranian writer and translator living in the UK. He loves writing children�s stories, but he sometimes writes short stories for adults too.
Over the past five years, he�s been working on several books, including the juvenile fiction book, The Adventures of Sohrab and the Genie. His other book, Sohrab and the Lands of Mysteries and his English translation of a book of poetry, called Game of Colours, will be published soon.
Choo! is Mahdi�s first published children�s book but he has several other stories that he hopes to publish soon.
In his stories, Mahdi tries to show to children the world of magic and love they live in.
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