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IP Infusion�s Disaggregated Cell Site Gateway Solution Validated by Mobicom; Delivers Carrier-Grade, Production-Ready Network Operating System

IP Infusion�s cell-site router enables innovation, lower total cost of ownership and freedom from proprietary solutions

SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--IP Infusion, a leading provider of network disaggregation solutions for telecom and data communications operators, today announced a partnership with Mobicom, a subsidiary of KDDI and leading mobile operator in Mongolia, to adopt disaggregated network solutions that will provide increased capabilities to the provider�s customers. Mobicom will leverage IP Infusion�s OcNOS and the S9500-30XS from UfiSpace to create a disaggregated router solution that gives the provider access to a multi-vendor ecosystem and state-of-the-art silicon, providing outstanding services to customers at lower cost per bit.

�In 2021, Mobicom launched an interoperability trial to test the potential of an open and disaggregated approach. Today we confidently partnered with UfiSpace and industry leader, IP Infusion, for a combination of software and hardware to deliver mobile connectivity and increased services to our customers,� said Technical Planning and Deployment VP Satoshi Moniwa at Mobicom. �Through a Disaggregated Cell Site Gateway (DCSG) approach, we are meeting our growing demand for innovation while also lowering network costs.�

Mobicom is using IP Infusion OcNOS, a carrier-grade solution that aligns with Telecom Infra Project�s (TIP) DCSG technical specifications. OcNOS will enable Mobicom to roll out mobile services and increase its subscriber base with disruptive open networking technologies and lower total cost of ownership (TCO), while breaking free from traditional proprietary solutions.

�We are excited to work with Mobicom, the largest mobile phone operator in Mongolia, to accelerate network disaggregation," said Atsushi Ogata, President and CEO of IP Infusion. �We did extensive testing with KDDI and Mobicom at TIP Community Lab in Tokyo, and it is great to see that Mobicom is adopting DCSG to take advantage of the scalability and flexibility that open networking can deliver.�

�Mobicom�s adoption of a disaggregated network further shows that service providers are finding value within our ecosystem and we are honored that UfiSpace�s DCSG solution was chosen to accelerate their mobile connectivity in Mongolia,� said Vincent Ho, CEO of UfiSpace. �Together with IP Infusion, we are able to provide the best-of-breed solution that will support our customer to increase innovations that can generate greater revenue and lower costs, while addressing consumer demand.�

As Mongolia�s first and largest cellular communications operator, Mobicom services include international communications, Internet and satellite communications and wireless local loop. As of January 2022, Mobicom holds the widest range of coverage in Mongolia with over 41.8 percent of the mobile service market and 99.7 percent settlement area network coverage across the country.

About IP Infusion

IP Infusion enables disaggregated networking solutions for carriers, service providers and data center operators. We provide network OS solutions for today�s networks to allow network operators to reduce network costs, increase flexibility, and to deploy new features and services quickly. IP Infusion is a solution provider of the OcNOS� and ZebOS� network operating systems to our more than 300 customers and is an integrator and customer service provider for DANOS-Vyatta edition and Commercial SONiC Distribution. IP Infusion is headquartered in Santa Clara, Calif., and is a wholly owned and independently operated subsidiary of ACCESS CO., LTD. Additional information can be found at http://www.ipinfusion.com.

IP Infusion, ZebOS, and OcNOS are trademarks or registered trademarks of IP Infusion. ACCESS is a registered trademark or trademark of ACCESS CO., LTD. in the United States, Japan and/or other countries. Northforge Innovations is a registered trademark of Northforge Innovations, Inc. All other trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, or registered service marks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.


Media Contact
Katherine Verducci

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