
Introducing ScaleUp 360�: The Digital Event Series for Industry Experts, Global Thought Leaders and Senior Executives Worldwide

we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH is launching its new product: The digital event series ScaleUp 360�.

Berlin, Germany, January 07, 2019 --( SCALEUP 360� brings together established industry experts, global thought leaders and senior executives from the world�s leading intelligent businesses to share their knowledge through cutting-edge webinars and presentations. It is a unique knowledge exchange & content delivery platform for automotive, manufacturing, IT & DevOps, IoT, finance & legal, marketing & communication executives from all over the world. Participants get to experience the genuine event feeling � without leaving the office.

As with the physical we.CONECT events, SCALEUP 360� offers both German and English-speaking events with different topics:

The SCALEUP 360� in English:
� ScaleUp 360� Automotive AI: deep driving, imaging, computer vision, sensor fusion and perception in level +5 automation
� ScaleUp 360� Cognitive Business Automation: Robotic Process Automation in Business, Operations, Technology and Strategy
� ScaleUp 360� Car HMI: he first digital gathering of stakeholders playing an active role in the technical and design field for automotive HMI and UX development
� ScaleUp 360� Industry of Things: Define the future of the Industrial IoT
� ScaleUp 360� Better Software: the first digital event for DevOps experts, end users and practitioners

360� minutes - 360� degrees - 360� acceleration. ScaleUp brings you 14 events in 2019, each with 12 Webinar sessions over 2 days by both end users and solution providers. For more information on the topics, agenda, event partners and registration go to

Benefits for attendees:
� SCALEUP 360� provides you with a knowledge exchange platform bringing together all stakeholders playing an active role in your professional field � for free!
� Traveling to events and paying for accommodation can be costly. Their digital events give you the opportunity to exchange knowledge at your desk � this saves you time and money.
� Their digital events deliver precise insights into new business use cases, concepts, technical challenges and innovations by global industry players.
� Connect with session speakers and other attendees to discuss opportunities as well as challenges in that lie ahead of your industry.

Benefits for partners:
� SCALEUP 360� helps you extend your brand�s reach without having to organize costly exhibition stands and personnel.
� Present your service and product portfolio in an informal setting in front of hundreds of decision makers.
� Be a thought leader through best-in-class sessions.
� Connect and chat with your potential clients and evaluate their needs.

About we.CONECT:
we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH is one of the leading companies in the field of business information, B2B digital media, business events and business communities. The customers are world market leaders, medium-sized companies and hidden champions in DACH, Great Britain and the USA. With an international team from 20 nations the enterprise organizes singular Eventlebnisse. For this, we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH was nominated last year for the German Start-Up Award in the Start-Up category and ranked among the 10 best start-ups in 2013.

You contact for questions about the event:
Leonie Lawrence
Marketing Manager
we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH | Reichenberger Str. 124 | 10999 Berlin, Germany
P: +49 30 52 10 70 3 � 83 | E:

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