Wire Stories

Hong Kong Systematically Expands Resource Recovery Capacity, Invests in Integrated Reuse Infrastructure

Drainage Services Department selects Black & Veatch to extend infrastructure lifecycle for Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works

HONG KONG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Hong Kong is improving resource efficiency, meeting resource recovery targets, while optimizing infrastructure lifecycle opportunities.

The Drainage Services Department (DSD) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has selected Black & Veatch to conduct a three-year investigation into upgrading the Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works (STW).

“Black & Veatch is committed to support our clients, like DSD, through infrastructure lifecycle opportunities. Black & Veatch specializes in the design of integrated wastewater treatment and resource recovery facilities. These facilities effectively achieve environmental protection goals through sustainable treatment, optimum biosolids use and economic value. Our professionals have worked on many advanced STW projects worldwide which required innovative approaches to overcome constraints that are similar to those in Tai Po STW,” says Andy Kwok, Managing Director, Black & Veatch Asia North.

One objective of the Tai Po STW upgrade is to increase the capacity of sewage treatment, biosolids management, energy recovery and sewage discharge disposal to support the housing and economic needs of the Tai Po District.

Another objective is to provide facilities to receive and digest sludge from the sewage treatment works in eastern New Territories for co-digestion with pre-treated food waste. Featuring a compact design, the upgraded STW is anticipated to accommodate the new regional sludge treatment facilities and future expansion.

Black & Veatch is tasked to provide review, site investigation, impact assessments and preliminary design for the upgrading of Tai Po STW. Core innovations that will be assessed for the Tai Po STW upgrade include:

  • Uncertainty-based dynamic process modelling, which enables the use of statistical techniques in combination with process models to evaluate solutions. It provides the ability to right-size process systems and equipment.
  • Low-energy solutions, for example biological nutrient removal incorporating sustainable nitrogen removal strategies.
  • High solids digestion, a compact solution that offers more effective management of high strength feedstocks.

Black & Veatch is a world leader in the design, construction, testing, start up, commissioning, and operation of advanced sewage treatment facilities. It is a pioneer in practical and economical water reclamation and reuse solutions for all types of water quality, with award-winning projects such as Singapore National Water Agency PUB’s Changi NEWater II plant.

Editor’s Notes:

  • Tai Po STW, built inside Tai Po Industrial Estate (TPIE), is the second largest secondary sewage treatment works in Hong Kong. Tai Po STW serves the TPIE, Tai Po, Lam Tsuen and Ting Kok areas.
  • Black & Veatch was involved in the investigation, design and construction (ID&C) of Hong Kong’s Sha Tau Kok STW Expansion project from 1,660 to 10,000 m³/day to meet future demand. The expansion was subjected to numerous constraints including limited site availability, a tight program, and maintaining operation of STW during construction.
  • Black & Veatch is involved in master planning Singapore’s Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS) Phase 2 project. The DTSS is a superhighway for Singapore’s used water management. The Tuas Water Reclamation Plant (WRP) is a core component of the DTSS Phase 2 project. Tuas Nexus integrates and co-locates Tuas WRP with the Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF) to maximize the synergies between the two facilities by utilizing the water-energy nexus. Tuas WRP will be the first of its kind in Singapore to co-digest used water sludge and food waste in the same plant to enhance biogas production. The biogas produced will be used to further enhance the overall thermal efficiency of the waste-to-energy process and electricity production at the IWMF. Electricity generated at IWMF will be supplied to Tuas WRP for its operations. Excess electricity will be exported back to the grid. Tuas Nexus was named the “Most Innovative Water-Energy Nexus Project”, at the International Desalination Association (IDA) World Congress 2019 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

About Black & Veatch

Black & Veatch is an employee-owned engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company with a more than 100-year track record of innovation in sustainable infrastructure. Since 1915, we have helped our clients improve the lives of people in over 100 countries by addressing the resilience and reliability of our world's most important infrastructure assets. Our revenues in 2019 were US$3.7 billion. Follow us on www.bv.com and on social media.


Black & Veatch
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