
Global Industry Leaders Highlighted Food Safety Issues in Times of Pandemic at the 6th Food Safety Forum

GS1 HK Launches Trusted FoodNet to Promote Information Visibility

OutReach�- 15 January 2021 -�The 6th
Food Safety Forum organised by GS1 Hong Kong (GS1 HK) concluded its online live
programme today. Themed "The Power for Food Safety", the Forum aimed to explore
ways to capitalise on innovation and technology and strengthen food safety. Dr Chui Tak-yi, Under Secretary for
Food and Health, was invited as the Guest of Honour, whereas Hon Peter
Shiu Ka-fai, Legislative Councilor and Deputy Chairman of Panel on Food Safety
and Environmental Hygiene also participated as Award Presenter. Executives from Nestl� HK, HKTVmall, Ting Hsin
International Group (Master Kong/???), Sun Fat Heung (Top Soya/????), and Global
Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) shared their wisdom and opinion on the latest
trends, new technological advancement and future development in food safety

(Left, from left to right) Jessie Cheng, Director of Corporate Communications of HKTV Mall; May Chung, Chairperson of Hong Kong Food and Beverage Industry Advisory Board of GS1 HK, and General Manager of Nestl� Hong Kong Ltd.; Anna Lin, Chief Executive of GS1 HK; Jeff Law, Managing Director of Sun Fat Heung Food Products Ltd.
(Right, from top to bottom) Dr Chui Tak-yi, Under Secretary for Food and Health; Hon Peter Shiu Ka-fai, Legislative Councilor and Deputy Chairman of Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene; Dr Jason Liu, Food Safety & Care Office VP of Ting Hsin International Group & GFSI China Steering Committee Vice-chair.

The continuous spread of COVID-19 has
triggered grave concerns on food safety, as Mainland China found positive
coronavirus results on the frozen food and packaging imports in multiple
occasions. In Hong Kong, the Centre of Food Safety had reported negative
results on more than 1,000 food import samples by the end of 2020, local
regulations also require food importers and distributors to maintain records of
the movements of food to facilitate track-and-trace.

Delivering an opening address online, the Under Secretary for Food
and Health, Dr Chui Tak-yi, said, "In a globalised economy with the food
chain getting increasingly complex, similar to many other places, Hong Kong
attaches great importance to food traceability. Legislation, technology,
innovation and big data analysis provide immense possibilities for us to
enhance our food monitoring capability and traceability, leading to safe food
on the table. Staying ahead of the curve will be imperative to the food industry,
especially when we anticipate more digital and traceable food system. (For the full
opening speech please visit:

As online shopping prevails, consumers' demand for more transparent
and reliable food information soars. To foster open information sharing among
the F&B community, GS1 HK introduced Trusted FoodNet, an online platform where
food suppliers' and restaurants' quality and safety certifications can be
uploaded and displayed, for business buyers and consumers to access the
information anywhere, anytime. More than 150 food products with different
certificates are available on the platform so far, please visit to know more.�

Ms May Chung, Chairperson of Hong Kong Food and Beverage Industry
Advisory Board of GS1 HK, and General Manager of Nestl� Hong Kong Ltd commended
the effort, "With growing emphasis on food safety, we have been working closely
with the F&B industry, leveraging innovation, technology and global
standards to ensure food safety and build consumer trust. The 'Trusted FoodNet'
initiative by GS1 HK has our full support, which I believe will enhance the transparency
of our trade. I hope industry peers will join the platform to increase trust among
stakeholders, and raise the bar for food safety together."

Co-located with the Forum, the "Quality Food Traceability Scheme" award
presentation ceremony was organised to mark the achievement of 20 food-related companies
which demonstrated outstanding performance in food traceability. Hon Peter Shiu
Ka-fai, Legislative Councilor and Deputy Chairman of Panel on Food Safety and
Environmental Hygiene, attended the ceremony to present the awards. Please
refer to the recognised companies list here:

Ms Jessie Cheng, Director of Corporate Communications of HKTV Mall;
Dr Jason Liu, Food Safety & Care Office VP of Ting Hsin International Group
& GFSI China Steering Committee Vice-chair; Mr Jeff Law, Managing Director of
Sun Fat Heung Food Products Ltd; and Mr Yves Rey, Independent Senior Advisor to
Industry Leaders / Former Danone Corporate GM & GFSI Chairman all shared
their hindsight and vision of the F&B development at the Forum.

Ms Anna Lin, Chief Executive of GS1 Hong Kong, appreciated their
insights and underscored food safety as a shared responsibility. "Committed to
promoting local food safety, GS1 HK will continue to connect with the industry,
government, consumers and other stakeholders and foster more experience sharing
and exchange on innovations and technologies. Together we will uplift the food
safety standard and propel our industry growth."

About GS1 Hong Kong

by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce in 1989, GS1 Hong Kong (GS1 HK) is
the local chapter of GS1, which provides global supply chain standards
(product identification key and barcode) and a full spectrum of standard-based platforms,
solutions and services that support companies' digitization to enhance supply
chain transparency and efficiency, ensure product authenticity, and facilitate
online and offline commerce.

GS1 HK has around 8,000 corporate members covering close to 20 industries
including retail consumer goods, food and food services, healthcare, apparel,
logistics as well as information and technology. By engaging with communities
of trading partners, industry organisations, government, and technology
providers, GS1 HK is fostering a collaborative ecosystem with the vision of
"Smarter Business, Better Life".

in Brussels, Belgium, GS1 is a not-for-profit, standards
organisation that has 115 national chapters serving 150 economies globally.

more information about GS1 Hong Kong, please visit�

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