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�Discussing Individuals� Data Sovereignty in Big Data Era,� Gyeonggi Province Hosts Data Sovereignty International Forum in September

  • World�s first international forum on individual �data sovereignty�
  • Opening address by Governor Lee Jaemyung, keynote lecture by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web
  • Domestic and international industry � academia � government experts on MyData and data sovereignty to discuss users� role in data sovereignty era
  • Held as a virtual event according to COVID-19 social distancing rules

SUWON, South Korea--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#BigDataEra--With the volume and value of data increasing in line with the accelerated digital transformation, Gyeonggi Province will hold the world�s first �data sovereignty� forum to discuss the ways of protecting and practicing individuals� data rights.

According to Gyeonggi Province at the press conference on July 28th, the �Data Sovereignty International Forum 2021� will be held on September 8 as a virtual event (DSIF2021.com).

Together with overseas local governments, Gyeonggi Province hosts the Data Sovereignty International Forum under the slogan, �My Data, My Right�. The forum aims to further develop the province�s data sovereignty policy, which has been promoted since the execution of the world�s first data dividend payout in February last year, and to publicize individuals� data sovereignty.

Gyeonggido Business & Science Accelerator and MyData Global, a private international organization, organize the event and the Presidential Committee on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Personal Information Protection Commission, Korea Internet & Security Agency, and Korea Data Agency will participate as sponsors. The sponsoring agencies will not only provide lectures and promotional services to improve and spread the data sovereignty awareness, but cooperate in Gyeonggi Province�s data sovereignty policy implementation after the forum.

As data have become an important value in the current society, �individuals� data sovereignty� will be discussed for the first time in the world under the subject of �Making a Fair Data World Together.� Domestic and international data sovereignty and MyData experts, the related government agencies, and overseas private organizations will discuss the ways of and the users� role in creating a fair data world with a focus on individual rights.

At the opening ceremony on September 8, Governor Lee Jaemyung of Gyeonggi Province will give an opening address followed by a keynote lecture by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, titled �Transformation in the Digital World and Data Sovereignty.�

The keynote lecture that will last about 30 minutes can be watched only through real-time channels, such as the Digital Sovereignty International Forum website (DSIF2021.com) and Gyeonggi Province�s YouTube channel (youtube.com/ggholics).

Lim Mun-yeong, Director of Gyeonggi Province Future Growth Policy Division, said, �Data sovereignty holds an important value as it enables individuals to autonomously utilize data and benefit from using it. Gyeonggi Province invites you to take part in this event so that we can understand and practice data sovereignty, a natural right for all, and make the data world fairer.�



Junseok Won



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