You only need your Apple Watch during sports activities, and once back close to the iPhone, the application automatically exports them to Strava (even in background).
St�phane, its creator, explain why he created Workout Export: "My Apple Watch was enough powerful to record all my workouts but I was frustrated to not find them in Strava! Now Workout Export can handle this for me and I can run light without installing heavy applications neither bringing the iPhone with me during my activities."
AppStore link:
Press kit link:
Full list of features:
- Automatic or manual export workout to Strava (requires a free Strava account)
- Export running, cycling, swimming, walking, rowing workouts
- Export GPS route and heart rate when available (starting from Watch series 2).
- Export indoor workout on treadmill or training bike
- Export GPS route as a GPX or KML file in order to be imported in any other mapping software
- Export any workout visible in Health app, including the one created by a third party tracking application.