The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee has condoled the loss of lives due to the collapse of a flyover under construction...
In a shocking incident today, a Under-construction flyover collapses in Kolkata, many feared dead. Kolkata Police confirms 14 dead and 78 injured...
An under-construction bridge collapsed in Girish Park in Kolkata north today. Initial reports states that more than 10 people were killed in...
In a shocking incident today under construction�Vivekanand Flyover collapse in Kolkata. More than 15 people died and more than 150 people is...
A portion of a under construction Vivekananda flyover in Kolkata collapsed today afternoon which left many dead and trapped. Rescue operations is...
Following is the text of the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi�s departure statement prior to his visit to Belgium, USA and Saudi...
First meeting of the reconstituted Board of Trade The first meeting of the reconstituted Board of Trade (BoT) shall be held on...
Defence Minister inaugurates Defexpo-2016 at Goa The 9th edition of Defexpo India, a biennial exhibition on Land, Naval and Internal Homeland Security...
50 Declassified Files Relating to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose to be Released �Online� Today. The Second batch of fifty declassified files relating...
196 Villages Electrified last week under DDUGJY 196 villages have been electrified across the country during last week (from 21st to 27th...