One of the top Chinese watch OEM, ODM manufacturers and suppliers, Bolong Watches signed cooperation contract with DHL to help their customers get faster and more cost effective shipping costs.
The Bolong International Supply Chain Management Group (BLSCM) was established in 1993. From its humble existence as a custom watch manufacturer, Bolong evolved into a watch supply chain. They offer services for their clients' brand and for customer satisfaction.
For client selection, Bolong offers 500 new designs for watches per month. They put forward watch OEM services to tailor to customer brand designs. The company excels in customizing watches for private labels.
Moreover, from China, Bolong fulfills all manufacturing processes: from production, labeling and shipping. Watch businesses do not need to worry about anything, except marketing. To maximize its services, the company mushroomed into 5 groups of companies, namely: Bolong Watches Factory, Bolong Watches Supply Chain, Bolong International Logistics, Bolong Industry Chain Finance, and 1 Heart Brand Marketing.
Founded in 1969 by Adrian Dalsey, Larry Hillblom and Ribert Lynn, DHL revolutionizes the world of logistics. It is at present the world�s leading logistic company with over 360,000 shipping professionals in more than 220 countries and territories worldwide. DHL crosses borders, reaches new markets and will help companies prosper.
Industry Leaders Come Together
As modern economies grow, fashion statements develop. Bolong�s ideas on watches spread globally across Europe, Northern America, Asia and the United States. When it comes to OEM and ODM watch production, Bolong provides the service for your brand.
With no less than 500 new design and watch ideas every month, Bolong is gaining ground to be the leading watch manufacturer worldwide. Clients all around the globe seek Bolong as they cater to any brand. Bolong�s watch production flourishes along with such demand. Hence, the birth of cooperation between DHL and Bolong watches.
From market research, product design, branding and distribution, Bolong International Supply Chain procures its own raw materials and closely monitors production. DHL adds to the company�s service efficiency as the company�s courier. As the leading cargo forwarder, the latter promises door-to-door delivery for client satisfaction.
Bolong partners with DHL to realize the door-to-door delivery of orders. The past paced economy requires everything be done on a snap. DHL boasts their stance as the leading mail and logistic company to move Bolong�s watches right to every client�s doorstep.
Bolong watch manufacturer upholds its identity not just as a watch manufacturer catering supply chain. It also proves its excellence when it comes to delivery of goods. Caring for clients is one of the company�s missions. It happens from the phase of conceptualization, designing, production and to marketing support services.
Newbies in wholesaling and retailing of watches need not worry, Bolong helps when it comes to branding. The Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) and Original Device Manufacturing (ODM) services are Bolong�s production edge. Resident designers are ready to create watches concepts, logos and packaging styles.
Bolong also brags about their marketing support services that they are extending to clients. To be able to increase revenue and to sustain the urge to market the product effectively, Bolong marketers help in photo packaging and advertisement. Their clients will also benefit from the sharing of industry updates.
In addition, the role of Bolong watch manufacturer does not end after the DHL delivery. The company extends other important services to clients as well. These include communicating on the status of orders, quality issues, and shipping problems.
Empowerment through successful and effectual branding has defined advantages both for the company and clientele. By setting benchmarks for labels, clients will feel like industry leaders. This is realized via brand positioning against competitors� weaknesses. Eventually, industry players� identified weak spots turn into an advantage for Bolong�s clients.
Bolong Supply Chain also has new product development empowerment. This involves collecting smart ideas for fashion watches. The company designers collect amazing ideas globally. They develop them into potential hot selling items for the future.
Clients need not worry about design repetitions from other customers. Bolong watch manufacturer promises one model provision to only one customer in a given region. The company ensures profit margins in doing so. User repurchase rate, brand recognition and brand influence is assured.
There are standard and modern production facilities at Bolong watch factory. Equipment from air to water resistance is in place. Standard light and plating needs are also modern and standard. A factory tour is available and discussed on their website.
Bolong Supply Chain also integrates into their supply sequence an efficient management system. This involves information, smart data, material, fund and logistics flows. For all these, high standardization of the company�s products is always monitored.
As the leading trustworthy watch manufacturing company in China, Bolong brags about many client advantages. There are three core advantages experienced by many customers around the world. Safeguarding quality, cycle maximization and cost control are just a few of the significant advantages.
To maintain a leadership position in the watch making industry, the company seeks to empower the marketing aspects of its clientele. Bolong keenly observes the basic 4Ps of marketing strategy � product, price, place and promotion. Helping the success of Bolong�s customers is part and parcel of the company�s objectives.
�Our goal is to help you build your own watch brand through our one step watch OEM/ODM services,� says Bolong company representative. The company offers a variety of valuable services via their own supply chain. Clients have peace of mind when it comes to accomplishing the orders. What this watch manufacturer promises, Bolong delivers.
Contact Information
Contact Person: William Zeng
Job Title: Sales Manager
Email address:
Phone Number: 0086 75781438325
Bolong International Supply Chain Group, a custom watch manufacturer and supplier, has been a known watch manufacturer for over 20 years. Bolong manufactures watches for wholesalers, distributors and brand owners all over the United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada and the Middle East countries. This company was established in 1993 at Foshan, China.