Demon Slayer is a popular Japanese manga and anime series written and illustrated by Koyoharu Gotouge. Known as “Kimetsu no Yaiba” in...
Doctors’ Day, celebrated on July 1st in India, is a special day to honor the incredible contributions of physicians to society. This...
Gifting Offers Of ICICI Bank july 2016 1.Book a Flower Offer ICICI Bank in association with brings you an exclusive offer....
Shri Vijay Goel Congratulates Rohit Khendelwal on Wining Mr World Title Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports (I/C) Shri Vijay Goel has...
New Passport Seva Kendras The Government has granted approval to open 7 new Passport Seva Kendras (PSK) in addition to the 89...
The Naked Truth of Life There was a man with four wives. He loved his fourth wife the most and took great...
Electronics Offers of ICICI Bank July 2016 1.Shopclues Offer – flat 11% off ICICI Bank in collaboration with the online shopping store...
Domestic Flight Offers of ICICI Bank. 1. MakeMyTrip Domestic Flights Offer – Up to Rs 800 Cashback ICICI Bank in association with...
A girl was with her father when she saw her boy friend coming: GIRL: Have you come to collect the book titled...
Meaning of color and your Birthday Don’t cheat, if you are honest, this tells the truth. It’s pretty good. Write your answers...