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AS Tallinna Sadam operational volumes for 2021 Q1

In 2021 Q1, 5.3 million tonnes of cargo and 373 thousand passengers passed through the harbours of Tallinna Sadam. Compared to the same period of previous year, the cargo volume increased by 10% and the number of passengers decreased by 76%. The number of vessel calls grew by 6% to 1678 calls. The number of passengers travelling between the Estonian mainland and the main islands decreased by 11%, but the number of vehicles increased by 2% and the number of charter days of the icebreaker Botnica stayed at the same level as in the previous, utility rate of the vessel was 100%.

According to Valdo Kalm, chairman of the management board of Tallinna Sadam, we can be pleased as the total cargo volume showed strong growth, which was mainly supported by dry bulk and ro-ro cargo. "The growth of dry bulk was mainly brought about by the handling of fertilizers and the launch of new projects of the terminals handling other dry bulk cargo. The volume of ro-ro cargo increased due to the increase in the number and frequency of liner vessel calls, primarily on the Muuga-Vuosaari route and due to the growth in demand of road transport.�

The volume of liquid bulk as the largest cargo type decreased slightly. "A large part of liquid cargo passes through Russia's own ports, and for the rest we are in close competition with many other ports," said Kalm. The volume of container cargo in tonnes decreased slightly, but at the same time the number of container units affecting the financial result increased, as temporary disruptions in the global container flow caused by the pandemic dissipated and empty containers reached Muuga harbour.

The decline in passenger numbers was due to continued restrictions on movement related to the COVID-19 pandemic and a reduction in people's confidence and travel due to the instable situation. "In the first 2.5 months of last year, we had a normal situation in passenger service, we can see a comparison of the coronavirus era from the second quarter," said Kalm. �

The operational volumes of Tallinna Sadam group for 2021 Q1:

Q1 2021 Q1 2020 Change Change %
Cargo volume by type of cargo
(th tonnes)
5 275 4 815 461 9,6%
Liquid bulk 2 068 2 161 -94 -4,3%
Ro-ro 1 542 1 333 209 15,7%
Dry bulk 1 102 767 335 43,6%
Containers 442 457 -14 -3,2%
in TEUs 52 106 50 509 1 597 3,2%
General cargo 122 97 25 25,7%
Non-marine 0 0 0 100,0%
Number of passengers by routes (th) 373 1 552 -1 179 -76,0%
Tallinn-Helsinki 334 1 394 -1 061 -76,1%
Tallinn-Stockholm 0 136 -136 -100,0%
Muuga-Vuosaari 30 15 15 97,9%
Tallinn-St.Petersburg 0 0 0 -
Cruise (traditional) 0 0 0 -
Other 10 7 3 42,1%
Number of vessel calls by vessel type 1 678 1 585 93 5,9%
Cargo vessels 359 377 -18 -4,8%
Passenger vessels (incl. Ro-Pax) 1 319 1 208 111 9,2%
Cruise vessels (traditional) 0 0 0 -
(Saaremaa and Hiiumaa lines)
Passengers (th) 269 303 -34 -11,4%
Vehicles (th) 158 155 4 2,3%
Icebreaker Botnica
Charter days 90 91 -1 -1,1%
Utility rate (%) 100% 100% 0 -

*Ferry traffic volumes show the general demand for the service, but do not directly affect the financial results of the ferry segment, as the fee is fixed in the service contract regardless of the number of passengers and vehicles served.

More detailed statistics of passengers by nationality, gender and routes on monthly basis, can be viewed on the Tallinna Sadam web page: https://www.ts.ee/en/statistics/. We now also publish quarterly key figures in xlsx format: https://www.ts.ee/en/investor/key-figures/
Detailed statistics on the number of passengers and vehicles on passenger ferries: https://www.praamid.ee/wp/statistics/

Tallinna Sadam is one of the largest cargo- and passenger port complexes in the Baltic Sea region, which serves annually 10 million passengers and 20 million tons of cargo in average. In addition to passenger and freight services, Tallinna Sadam group also operates in shipping business via its subsidiaries � O� TS Laevad provides ferry services between the Estonian mainland and the largest islands, and O� TS Shipping charters its multifunctional vessel Botnica for icebreaking and construction services in Estonia and offshore projects abroad. Tallinna Sadam group is also a shareholder of an associate AS Green Marine, which provides waste management services. The group�s sales in 2020 totalled EUR 107.4 million, adjusted EBITDA EUR 58.4 million and profit EUR 28.5 million.

Additional information:

Marju Zirel
Head of Investor Relations
Tel. +372 5342 6591



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