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Analytics Insight Announces �The 10 Most Influential CISOs to Watch in 2021�

SAN JOSE, Calif. & HYDERABAD, India--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#CISO--Analytics Insight has named �The 10 Most Influential CISOs to Watch in 2021� in its October magazine issue. The issue is focusing on trailblazing leaders who are remodelling their security strategy and staying abreast with the latest trends.

The magazine issue recognizes ten futuristic CISOs who are reimagining the business world and adopting new ways of working. By integrating business ideologies with security initiatives, these inspiring CISOs ensure seamless operation. They also explore many fronts starting from cybersecurity to data privacy and information security with the goal to protect and maintain the security of the organization and help them stay ahead of common dangers. Here is the list of the 10 most influential CISOs who are plotting extraordinary security roadmaps in 2021.

Featuring as the Cover Story is Mark Connelly, CISO of Boston Consulting Group. He has been immersed in the technology and computing industry for more than 30 years in a range of roles from sales and support to IT operations and information security. Becoming the first CISO at SMI (now Oracle) 15 years ago presented Mark with some leadership challenges, but also great opportunities to learn.

This issue further includes,

Jason Halls: Jason Halls is the CISO of The Institute of Cancer Research. He is a qualified software engineer and holds several security certifications. Jason has been entrenched in secure environments since the mid-90s where he worked on software to detect submarines.

Sergey Tairyan: Sergey Tairyan is the CISO of Digitain. He holds a Ph.D in Technical Sciences and is also the author of more than ten international publications. Sergey is an Information Security Lecturer in Armenian-Russian University for more than a decade now.

Dave McKenna: As the VP of Information Technology and CISO of Upland Capital Group, Dave McKenna holds full accountability for building the insurance technology, operational, and regulatory from the ground up. He has spent time in both government and private companies.

Saeed Valian: Saeed Valian is the CISO of Transaction Data Systems (TDS) where he is responsible for consolidating and establishing a world-class information security practice based on the right balance of effective security measures and meaningful compliance controls.

Fal Ghancha: Fal Ghancha is the CISO of DSP Mutual Fund. He is an Information Security professional with rich experience in the IT & Cyber Security field focusing mainly on Information and Cyber Security Policies, IT/IS Projects, Compliance, etc.

Bruce Carlos: As a recognized global business technology leader with a successful CIO background and 20-years of experience, Bruce Carlos holds the role of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at SXiQ. At the company, he is leading multiple fronts of security.

Tony Lau: Tony Lau is the CISO and Head of Cloud Operations at Sequent Software. Previously, Tony has managed, integrated, and deployed secure electronic payment transaction systems at major banks. He also has extensive system architecture and operations experience.

Bret Arsenault: As CVP and CISO of Microsoft, Bret Arsenault is responsible for information security and risk management; setting the company�s security incidence response strategy. He leads a global team of security professionals focused on protecting the company�s assets.

Jerry Geisler: Jerry Geisler is the Senior Vice President and CISO of Walmart�s global Information Security department. In his role, he is responsible for encompassing data security to the company's customers and associates.

�Amidst the changing technology and evolving trends, CISOs work closely with every aspect of business and employees to develop information security policies and procedures for the organization. In this issue, Analytics Insight aims to recognize and celebrate the most influential CISOs who are raising cybersecurity standards and reassuring protection and encryption at every end,� says Adilin Beatrice, Associate Manager at Analytics Insight.

Read their inspiring stories here. For more information, please visit https://www.analyticsinsight.net/.

About Analytics Insight�

Analytics Insight is an influential platform dedicated to insights, trends, and opinions from the world of data-driven technologies. It monitors developments, recognition, and achievements made by AI, big data, and analytics companies across the globe. The Analytics Insight Magazine features opinions and views from top leaders and executives in the industry who share their journey, experiences, success stories, and knowledge to grow profitable businesses.

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