Wire Stories

AMTD International Inc.: SGX Rule 210(1)(B)(I) Disclosure

HONG KONG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--AMTD International Inc. (�AMTD International� or the �Company�) (NYSE: HKIB; SGX: HKB), a NYSE and SGX-ST dual-listed company, has previously undertaken to conduct future placement through an offering of Class A Shares in Singapore (with such Class A Shares to be held through CDP) within 12 months from the date of its secondary listing on the Mainboard of the SGX-ST on 8 April 2020 following rule 210(1)(B)(I) of SGX-ST.

As part of the Company�s overall strategy plan for corporate development and capital management activities, the Company has applied to the SGX-ST, and the SGX-ST has no objection to grant the Company, for an extension of time to conduct an offering of Class A Shares in Singapore (with such Class A Shares to be held through CDP) by no later than 7 April 2022.


AMTD IR office (ir@amtdinc.com)

AMTD International Inc.

+852 3163-3389

+1 (866) 849-3788

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