Take my salary, give me all my taxes

9 years ago

Dear Government, Take my salary, give me all my taxes Dear Mr Arun Jaitly FM, This budget has proved that…

How long do you use your toothbrush?

9 years ago

Doctor conducting a survey - "How long do you use your toothbrush?" *Chinese*: "6 months." *American*: "3 months" *Indian*: "There…

Keep improving yourselves, trying your best and striving ahead!

9 years ago

Michael Jordan was an African-American man, born in 1963, in the slums of Brooklyn, New York. He had four brothers…

WhatsApp Jokes

9 years ago

A man parks his bicycle nearby the Parliament house and walks on... A police constable stops him and asks: "Why…

Let’s play a game… (Time Pass)

9 years ago

Reply in the comment section below Find your birthday month!! January : I need February: I killed March: I loved…

Wedding Anniversary special…. (Satire)

9 years ago

A man Goes to the Police Station with His Head Bleeding badly . SHO : What Happened ? Man :…

11 People on a Rope

9 years ago

Eleven people were hanging on a rope, under a helicopter. 10 men and 1 woman. The rope was not strong…

Never lose your hope & keep walking towards your vision

9 years ago

An eight-year-old child heard her parents talking about her little brother. All she knew was that he was very sick…

Biggest lies ever told in India

9 years ago

Work hard and make sure you get a high score in class X. Your entire life and career depends on…

How to TALK

9 years ago

Talk to *Mother* _lovingly_ , Talk to *Father* _respectfully ,_ Talk to *Brothers* _heartfully _, Talk to *Sisters* _affectionately ,_…