First Night experience After Marriage A Delhi mother was lucky enough to see her 3 daughters get married the same…
3 Characters 1 Movie Puzzle Identify these 21 movies through their character names .. (E.g. Farhan, Chatur, Rancho.. Answer :…
�Krishi Unnati Mela: Seminars and conferences highlights on day 2� �Krishi Unnati Mela� a National Level Agriculture Fair-cum-Exhibition, is organised…
Golden Jubilee of Army Wives Welfare Association (AWWA) : Workshop on �Women Health and Lifestyle� Conducted Mrs Namita Suhag, President…
9 Plants Emerged as Preferred Bidders and Allocated 7.62 MMSCMD e-bid RLNG The Government is delighted to announce the revival…
Scientists have developed a high-tech necklace that can track your calorie intake by �listening� to sounds of different foods as…
The prince, who is on a five-day official tour of Nepal, was touring some of Kathmandu's most iconic sights to…
Unfortunately, the house sparrow is now a disappearing species. But like all other plants and animals which were once…
Palm Sunday is a Christian moveable feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter. The feast commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry…
Slim, lightweight and powerful, the new Gionee Elife E8 packs everything required to keep you on the go. This 4G…