Cheers to all the Ladies!

8 years ago

In the hospital the relatives gathered in the waiting room, where their Family member lay gravely ill. Finally, the doctor…

Whatsapp Joke: Husband and wife went for shopping to get new sarees for wife.

8 years ago

Husband and wife went for shopping to get new sarees for wife. After seeing numerous sarees she shortlisted around 100…

Dedicated to all managers and upcoming managers

8 years ago

A wealthy manager was driving in his car when he saw two men along the roadside eating grass. Disturbed by…

You will laugh out loud after reading this

8 years ago

One day The guru told the disciple : "Go to the rose garden and come back with the tallest rose…

7 Biggest brain damaging habits

8 years ago

1: Missing breakfast 2: Sleeping late 3: High sugar consumption 4: More sleeping specially at morning 5: Eating meal while…

Satire: Excellent Innovation by Samsung Mobile

8 years ago

Samsung has just incorporated a new feature in their latest hand set... Concept: Make in India ! Say Modi.... Modi...…

This is really a touching story and could help us take some good decisions.

8 years ago

As a carpenter went home after shutting down his workshop, a black poisonous cobra entered his workshop. The cobra was…

Quote for the day

8 years ago

Coffee never knew it will taste nice and sweet, before it met sugar and milk. We are good as individuals…

JSB HF18 3D Pedometer for Rs.399 (84% Off on MRP)

8 years ago

Due to hectic lifesytle many of us suffer from a lethargic life and have no exercise at all. In such…

Get 90% Off on Hotel bookings from Makemytrip

8 years ago

Get 90% Off on Hotel bookings. Coupon Code : MMTLOYAL Valid for bookings from 23rd to 24th July 2016 |…