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ABC arbitrage: Report of the Combined General Meeting of June 11, 2021 Final dividend 2020

ABC arbitrage
Report of the Combined General Meeting of June 11, 2021
Final dividend 2020

Given the exceptional circumstances related to the Coronavirus (Covid-19)1, the Combined General Meeting was held today behind closed doors, without the physical presence of shareholders and chaired by Dominique Ceolin, Chairman and CEO. The Combined General Meeting of ABC arbitrage's shareholders adopted all the resolutions proposed to it.

Among the resolutions adopted, the Ordinary General Meeting, after approving the company and consolidated financial statements, decided to distribute a balance of �0.18 per ordinary share for fiscal year 2020. Taking into account the payments of �0.10 per share in October and December 2020, plus the interim dividend of �0.10 per share in April 2021, the distributions for fiscal year 2020 amount to �0.48 per share.

The Board of Directors, which met after the Annual General Meeting, decided to propose the payment of part of this final dividend in shares. Shareholders will thus be able to choose to receive all or part of their balance of the dividend in ABC arbitrage shares up to a maximum of �0.08 per share. The other part of the balance of the dividend, i.e. �0.10 per share, will be paid in cash. On the cash part, the amount of the payment deducted from the share premium will be specified at the time of payment.

The distribution schedule of �0.18 per share is as follows:
? ex-dividend date: Tuesday July 13, 2021

  • start of the stock option period (for the part of the final dividend in shares): Thursday July 15, 2021
  • end of the stock option period (for the part of the final dividend in shares): Wednesday July 28, 2021

? payment date: Tuesday August 3, 2021

As a reminder, ABC arbitrage maintains its intention to distribute on a quarterly basis. For the second part of 2021, this will take the form of two distributions on share premiums of �0.10 per share each in October and December 2021, in accordance with the adoption of resolutions 5 and 6 of today's Combined General Meeting and in a timetable that will be specified when the half-yearly results are published. A third interim payment of �0.10 per share is scheduled for April 20222.

The General Meeting noted the non-renewal of the mandate of Marie-Ange VERDICKT. The Board expresses its warm thanks to her for her work during her 8-year term of mandate and welcomes Sophie GUIEYSSE, whose nomination as an independent director for a 4-year term was also approved. The General Meeting also renewed the mandate of Deloitte as statutory auditors for a period of six years.

All this information is available on the group's website at the following link: abc-arbitrage

1 In accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 2021-255 of March 9, 2021 extending the period of application of Order No. 2020-321 of March 25, 2020, as amended, adapting the rules for meetings and deliberations of the meetings and governing bodies of legal persons and entities without legal personality under private law, and Decree No. 2020-418 of April 10, 2020, as amended, adapting the rules for meetings and deliberations of the meetings and governing bodies of legal persons and entities without legal personality under private law, and Article 1 of Decree No. 2020-629 of May 25, 2020, as amended.

2 Subject to the necessary legal approvals and additional reports by the statutory auditors.

Contacts : abc-arbitrage.com
Relations actionnaires : actionnaires@abc-arbitrage.com
Relations presse: VERBATEE / v.sabineu@verbatee.com
EURONEXT Paris - Compartiment B
ISIN : FR0004040608
Reuters� BITI.PA / Bloomberg ABCA FP


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