
Companies and Government Institutions to Benefit From Free Online Courses by LEORON During Telecommuting Period

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, March 31, 2020 --( LEORON is providing a selected number of its online courses for free to all companies and government institutions to help employee productivity during the working from home period.

Free e-learning content will be made available to all aspiring organizations in the MENA as part of the Ta3leem platform – a LEORON Institute-backed venture comprised of optimized courses for online education.

Launched as a bilingual e-learning platform in late 2017, Ta3leem includes more than 2000 certified courses across several industry parallels in English and Arabic.

Free LMS And Learning App Included
Following the latest global developments, Ta3leem hopes to bridge the mobility gap by providing enterprises and communities in need with a free Learning Management System and mobile app.

The LMS comes pre-populated with certified content, which its users will be able to use standalone or through mobile app.

Ta3leem reps have pointed out that free content will be available globally to enterprises, government entities, and learning educations.

“We’re trying to make our content more available than ever to everyone in need. Both the LMS and the app offer the advantage of plug-and-play, meaning learners can immediately start their learning journey once they’ve downloaded the app. We’re offering it to SMEs, corporations, government entities, learning educations, or anyone in need, really,” says Imran Shabani, Lead eLearning Specialist at Ta3leem.

Diverse Palette Of E-Learning Courses
Originally adjusted towards the L&D needs of GCC companies during local transformation strategies, the Ta3leem platform now offers 2000 certified online courses across several industries.

Pre-recorded sessions are available for self-paced learning and certification to industrial staff, project managers, HRs, IT professionals, and business and marketing professionals.

Set up your free Ta3leem account. Contact us at

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