Be Software Released IINSIGHT 6.2.10. This update introduces the new Live Timer feature.
This Live Timer feature also includes the following capabilities:
� The ability for a user to "start" and "stop" a �live timer� in any of the current billing windows and for it to auto populate the time recorded (when stopped), into the current duration fields.
� The capability for a user to "start" and "stop" the timer multiple times in the same billing window, and for the total to round (if utilising unit billing), only once upon completion.
� The facility for a user to have multiple billing windows and live timers open/running simultaneously (restricted by permissions).
� The system will log the difference between a cost where the duration was populated by the �live timer� and one where this was populated manually, and allow system administrators to report on these.
� A cost entry will have the ability to be able to be logged as �On Hold� to be completed at a later date. These �On Hold� entries will be able to be excluded from any invoice runs until they are �completed.�
For more information, see IINSIGHT 6.2.10 Release Notes.