CPD Box was launched in July 2018 to assist CPD point providers to market and advertise their CPD topics to Australian architects to generate bookings. Since the launch over 800 bookings have been generated.
CPD Box makes the process of booking simple; architects can simply find the educational CPD session they are interested in, click on the available dates, fill in their contacts details and book. Locating reputable formal CPD points has never been so easy.
On the flip side, educational CPD point providers now have a way to market and advertise their session Australia wide and enjoy the benefits of architects managing their bookings without having to place loads of man-power doing so, saving time and money.
�Solving the problem between two industries (CPD point providers & architects) is most rewarding. But seeing CPD Box organically grow daily bookings is even more rewarding.� -Janelle Sultan, Founder.
CPD Box is consistently adding new CPD sessions to bring to the architecture industry within Australia.